Chapter 13

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Eyes Look Your Last

2:37 am

I think this has to be the 'q' word shift I've had since working here. I suppose you're wondering why I say 'q' word. That's because we consider it bad luck to say that word because it contradicts the 'q' shift.

''So have you told your mom about us yet.'' Tee asked as we made our way to the main part of the ER.

''Not exactly.'' I replied.

''What do you mean not exactly.'' He questioned looking at me as we continued walking .

''Well with Drew not having told mom about his situation I didn't wanna exactly bring up my relationship because then she'll ask about Drew and that woman can tell exactly when I'm lying.'' I explained.

''Fair enough.'' Tee answered shrugging.

''I promise the second Drew tells her, I'll tell her about us.'' I smiled and so did he. Then TC's pager started beeping.

''Someone said the q word.'' I spoke pulling my hair back from my face and placing a scrunchie in it.

''Alright team so much for coasting through the morning.'' Topher called as the ER started flooding with patients. ''We have a multi-victim traffic collision, stragglers filling the waiting room.''

''What do ya got?'' Drew asked as one of the nurses handed us covers which we put on quickly.

''The first two were in a rollover MVA when it slammed into another vehicle in the rain. That vic's still on the scene.'' Gwen explained as patients were rolled in.

''Okay, I got this.'' Tee spoke up as a teenage boy was wheeled in.

''First victim is 18 years old. He has a deep gash to his left thigh from the broken glass.'' Gwen called.

''Me and TC in Trauma 2. Anyone need a surgeon just page'' I shouted as we wheeled the boy to the room.

''How's Taylor? Is she okay?'' The guy asked as we started working on him.

'' Ah, we're working on her in the other room. But let's focus on you right now, okay?'' I replied holding his head with my hands and gently placing it flat on the bed.

'' I didn't even see the other car. Is that driver okay?'' He asked.

'' Not here yet. I'll get you an update when we have one.'' I promised.

''Oh, okay, looks like he got the femoral. I need more gauze.'' Tee asked.

''Kate, the third MVA vic is two minutes out.'' Molly interrupted.

''Jordan should be in the lab. Page her.'' I instructed. Molly nodded before leaving quickly.

''All right, first unit is in. Pressure's up to 84.'' Kenny spoke.

''Run two more units on the rapid infuser. I need another 6-0 of silk.'' TC asked.

''Ryan's parents are here. They want to see him.'' A nurse interrupted.

''Just for a minute.'' I answered.

''Okay.'' She replied.

''Oh, my God, Ryan.'' A woman who I assume is his mother exclaimed.

'' Is he gonna be okay?'' The man who accompanied her, his father, asked.

''Yeah, he's injured his femoral artery, but we got the bleeding under control.'' I explained

''Oh, thank God. We got the call, and I almost had a heart attack on the way over here.'' The father spoke.

''Yeah, I understand. Those late-night calls must scare the crap out of you.'' Tee agreed.

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