Accident in de kitchen (Harry)

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Harry and Louis had been outside for a walk. When it got dark and cold, they came back home.

"Gonna turn up the heating. Good gods, it's cold outside." Louid said.

"I can warm you up." Harry said and looked at his boyfriend.

"Oh, well, in that case.." Louis answered.

Harry and Louis sat themselves down on the couch and cuddled for a while.

"Feeling warmer now love?" Harry asked, his arms still tightly wrapped around his boyfriend.

"Much warmer. Thanks Haz, you're the best." Louis said.

"I love you boo." Harry said as he kissed his boyfriend's hair.

"Love you too Haz." Louis replied as he played with Harry's curls. He was obsessed with Harry's hair.

All of a sudden Louis' stomach grumbled.

"Hungry boo?" Harry asked.

"Starving." Louis replied.

"Well, I can make us something. I still have that one recipe that I never tried out before. What about that?" Harry asked.

"Sure. Doesn't matter what. I'm so hungry that I'm able to eat all the contents of the fridge and the fridge itself too. The doctor told me once that I needed more iron, so maybe eating the fridge will solve the problem." Louis said.

"Well, I think that it is going to be hard to chew. Maybe you can try baking it?" Harry said playfully.

"Nah-ah. You are the cook! You're baking it for me love. That's how it works." Louis answered and started giggling.

"Very well Sir. How would you like your fridge? Raw, medium or well done?" Harry asked.

"Well... oh nevermind. I bet that recipe that you're going to try out is way better than the fridge." Louis answered.

"I think so too. I'm going to start cooking right away. See you in a bit pumpkin." Harry said.

Harry went the kitchen and took the recipe.

He took eggs and sugar. Milk was something he needed too. And strawberries as well. When he had all of the ingredients, he needed a huge bowl. Those were on the top shelf in the kitchen cabinets. Harry was tall, for sure. But he was too small to reach the top shelf. He took a kitchen chair and stood on it. He still got difficulties reaching the top shelf, but when he stood on his tip toes, he managed to grab it. When Harry grabs it and pulls it, he loses his balance and the chair starts wobbling. And than boom. Harry fell down. The eggs fell down as well when Harry tried to hold himself onto the counter. He comes down with a loud thud.

Louis had heard the loud noise coming from the kitchen and directly ran there. He saw Harry on the floor.

"Oh my, love. Are you hurt?“

Louis turned his head towards his boyfriend and recognized the pained expression on his face. Harry was breathing heavily. That was a scary fall.

Harry was looking at his hand when he answered.

“It's okay… I didn’t have any feeling in my little finger first but now its starts to hurt… so maybe that’s a good sign.” Harry replied. Not wanting to admit that it was not just his finger that was hurting.

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