Drugged (Harry)

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It had been a long day for Harry. Meeting after meeting after meeting. He was about to make a second album and a lot of things had to be discussed.

Now he was finally done for the day and about to go home, back to his boyfriend.

But before going home, Harry felt like he wanted to have one drink. He got into his car and drove to his favorite pub. The pub wasn't that far from home, so Harry decided to order some vodka. He was only going to drink one glass, but Harry luckily was a careful person and would leave his car on the parking lot of the pub and walk home, even though he knew he wasn't going to be drunk. His rule was not to drive when drinking alcohol, even if it was only just one glass.

Harry ordered a vodka and took a sip. The taste was delicious. The music that was coming from the boxes in the corner was also great. Harry enjoyed himself. He really needed this after such a stressfull day.

After a little while, Harry felt the urge to go to the toilet. On his way, he passed a few tables. He got some weird looks from two guys, sitting on the left side of the pub. Harry didn't pay attention to it. He was used to get strange looks whenever he went out in public. Harry opened the bathroom door and went inside.

While Harry was in the bathroom, one of the guys sitting at the table got up. He was looking around, making sure no one was paying attention to him. Then he took something out of his pocket and put it into Harry's drink. When he was done, he quickly made his way back to where he was sitting first. He looked at the other person at the table and gave him a nod and a smile.

Harry came back and took a look at his watch. Nearly 8 p.m.

Harry finished the rest of his vodka. He just heard a good song playing and decided to wait until it was finished before going home.

A couple of minutes later, Harry felt that he was getting warm and he was feeling kind of weird. Perhaps the heating in the pub was quite high. He payed and went outside. He just needed some fresh air.

Harry started walking, when he got a strange feeling in his entire body. His stomach was turning and his vision was blurry. How was that even possible? He only had one drink...

He knew he had to get home really fast, he wasn't feeling good. His vision was getting even more blurry than it was already. He had to stop walking and needed the wall to keep his balance. His stomach was feeling so bad, he doubled over and threw up all over the pavement. While he was throwing up, he felt how someone pulled his wallet out of his pocket. Harry tried to look at them, but it wasn't easy, due to his bad vision at this very moment. His head started to feel really strange. Black spots were dancing in front of his eyes. Then everything turned black.

At home

"Goddamnit Harry, pick up your phone." Louis said to himself as he tries to call Harry for the seventh time already.

When it didn't work again, Louis sighed. He knew something must have happened. It wasn't like Harry to come home so late. He knew Harry went for a drink sometimes, after work, but he also knew Harry wasn't the one to spend hours and hours into the pub. That's why Louis was so worried right now.


Harry could hear some sirenes from far away. He was feeling so weak and nauseous at the moment. He didn't have the power to open his eyes.

A moment later, Harry realised the ambulance was there for him. He was aware that someone knelt down beside him, but he didn't know who it was.

"Pupils are reactive. Weak pulse, low oxygen levels!" A paramedic screamed to a nurse.

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