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Hey guys..I'm going through some tough things. I can't say what these things are but I'm feeling a little lonely..I hate that my family and I have to go through this but it's life. All I can say is that I'm officially going to be put in foster care. I'm going to be separated from my little brother. I hate it so much, but I can't do anything about it. I have nobody. So if it isn't to much to ask..please say something kind. Something to brighten up my day. You guys always make my day 100% better. Also always wish good for ppl. Even if you despise them. Because you never know, when they cold be out of your life permanently.
Thanks guys
I love you guys so much
And chapter will be up tomorrow.

~My Illness Called Love~ (Zane X Kawaii~chan)Where stories live. Discover now