Part 17

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I'm only in bed for a short while when I hear Prince began to play at the piano. If I wasn't so far along, I probably would have already been asleep, but it seems this baby never stops fidgeting, especially at night. I lay quiet and listen to the music while I will the baby to settle down long enough for me to fall asleep. I lightly caress the bulge and slowly the movements begin to taper enough so that I can doze off.

My bladder wakes me after a brief catnap. Yea, I think, let's wake the baby. As I sit up and prepare to put my feet on the floor, I notice it's quiet in the house. As I stagger through to the bathroom, I can barely make out Prince's form in the darkness. He's reclined in the armchair with his legs up on the ottoman, his head is resting to the right, and he appears to be sleeping.

I use the toilet and stop on my way back to the bed, "Prince," I whisper, touching his arm.

I hear his inhale as his eyes open suddenly, instantly alert, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, but why are you here and not in bed with me?"

"I didn't know how to get in around that pillow without disturbing you," his voice is groggy now that he knows I'm alright.

"Well, good thing for you I have to pee every twenty minutes. Come on, I've missed having you beside me."

He stands and starts to follow me, but another urge to pee has me headed right back to the bathroom. He follows me and uses the toilet himself before we attempt to crawl into bed. I maneuver the pillow wider so that we can both crawl into it, we tuck in close and get comfortable. Prince's hand comes to rest on the swell of my belly, and he starts to caress it like I do at night, the baby calms and we're able to drift off to sleep.

I wake with an overwhelming urgency to use the bathroom, and I ungraciously untangle myself from the pillow and Prince. Barely making it to the toilet, I let out an audible sigh of relief when I'm able to let loose. Within seconds, Prince is in the doorway looking highly concerned by my quick bolt to the bathroom, "You okay?"

"I'm good," I say and he nods and backs out to give me some privacy. As soon as I flush the toilet, he enters the bathroom to join me. "Prince," I approach him before he heads into his closet and stroke his arm, "You're going to have to relax just a little bit. You've only been home, what, twelve hours, and you've asked me if I'm okay how many times?"

"I know, it's just..." he looks around the bathroom.

"I know, we're so close, but trust me, if something is wrong, you'll be the first to know," I kiss his mouth and head towards my closet to get dressed. No wonder I had to pee so bad, it's daylight, I actually got some good sleep. I rub my belly, "Thank you, little man, I needed that," which prompts him for his morning stretches. Since Prince had been gone, I had bought some yoga pants and maternity shirts to wear around the house with Marcus here, I was tired of trying to stay ladylike in a dress, especially since I had started doing some yoga. I pull on a pair of the pants and pull out one of the few cute maternity t-shirts I bought to wear. This particular one says: DADDY DID IT! in big bold letters across the bulge.

When I step out of the closet and Prince sees the shirt he laughs, and says loudly, "Bam!"

I laugh at his reaction, "You should have seen a couple I didn't buy." I roll my eyes.

"What did they say?" he's curious as he rubs my tummy.

I think, "One said: Awww, and to think I almost swallowed you," Prince grimaces out of poor taste. "Another said: In like a banana, out like a pineapple," I laugh as he grimaces again.

"I hope you kept it respectful," he looks at me questioningly.

I point to the shirt I'm wearing, "This is the most 'forward' one I bought, and I only wear them around the house and to exercise."

"Exercise?" he looks surprised, but pleased.

"Yep, and I already cleared it with the doctor. It's just yoga, but it's helping to keep me limber."

He pulls me close, his voice gets more seductive, "Limber, huh?"

I grin, "Yeah, but Prince, I have to eat something before you get any ideas."

He bats his eyes innocently before we head down stairs to the kitchen to fix some breakfast.


With full bellies, we head out to enjoy the garden. I'm happy to see that Prince had brought an acoustic guitar home with him when he returned, and I smile when he grabs it before we go out back. "You still like when I play for you, don't you?" he says as he notices my reaction.

"I love it. It's like air or water to me, vital for my existence," I wink.

An expression of bashful pride comes across his face as he sits and pulls the guitar onto his lap. I hear a couple of scratchy notes as he removes his pick, then he calls to me, "Sugar?"

I had begun to move about the area with my pruning shears, but stop in mid snip on a bush when he calls, "Yes?"

"The name you had run across, what is it?" his voice and attitude are inquisitive.

"Ramiel," I say gently.

I see his brows knit as he ponders the name with the subtlest of head nods and begins to play. I watch him for a few seconds, his playing is automatic but I can tell from his eyes, his mind is elsewhere. I turn my attention back to the foliage in my hand and enjoy the sound of my husbands music.

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