Part 34

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With everything gathered, we anxiously wait for confirmation for our release from the hospital. We sit side by side on the edge of the bed, holding hands and watching Ramiel in his bassinet with admiration. "Oh," Prince stirs, pulling out my cell phone that he's commandeered since our arrival. When I silently question him with my eyes, he says, "I have to call Kirk and Marcus."

I sigh, "Don't bother them, surely we'll be leaving before they could get here."

"They've been here since noon," he tells me and I cover my face with my hand at the inconvenience we put them through by sitting here for hours.  "Kirk, yeah, soon," he smiles at me, "Okay, bye."

Another nurse we hadn't seen before appears shortly after Prince finishes the call, she's holding some papers in one hand while she wheels in a wheelchair for me. 

"My chariot has arrived," I chuckle. 

"She doesn't need a wheelchair," Prince opposes.

"It's hospital policy, Sir," she says curtly, this nurse has an air of authority about her.  Her eyes stay fixed with Prince's until her attention is swayed by Kirk and Marcus entering the room in their typical tailored suits. 

When the nurse looks questionly at Prince, he says, "My policy, Ma'am," and flashes a somewhat sarcastic grin.  "Do you have a private exit where I can pull the car around to?"

"No, Sir, you'll have to use the main Admitting entrance."

Prince presses his lips together, but nods before coming to kiss my cheek, "I'll pull the car around, Sugar."  He turns to Kirk and Marcus, "Watch them, like a hawk," he is dead serious, they nod and Prince trots out of the room.   

When I lift Ramiel and take a seat in the wheelchair, the nurse asks, "Is he always like that?"

Kirk, Marcus and I all say, "Yes," in unison as if we were cued. 

We laugh at the humor of our chorused response as the nurse looks on incredulously and shakes her head, "Wow," she leans down and says softly near my ear, "Good luck, Honey."

Kirk leads my wheelchair, Marcus, carrying my bag, follows behind us as I'm wheeled to the nearest elevator, we pass a couple nurses who only look on because of my chaperones.   On the ground floor I'm wheeled past more people as I'm brought to the main entrance, again, everyone is more concerned with the two serious looking, large men flanking me.   As soon as the doors to the parking lot part in front of me, I smile, Prince is standing alongside my Outback glowing with pride and an even stronger aura of protection.  Papa bear has arrived. 

Kirk and Marcus turn their backs to me to scan the area immediately around us as I stand from the wheelchair.  Prince opens the back door and I place our now sleeping newborn into the infant carrier where I carefully secure the latches across his tiny body.   "Prince, double check the latches please," I ask as I step back to let him in. 

"All good, Sugar," he closes the door.   We stand apprehensive, we have managed to move the baby from the safety of the hospital to the safety of the car seat and now we seem to be hesitant to go any further.  Prince turns to Kirk, "I want you two to head over to the house, make sure the coast is clear.  Give me a call either way."

"You got it, P," Kirk and Marcus jog off into the parking lot.

I reach for the passenger door, Prince looks shocked, "You're not riding in the back?"

I think about it for a second, "No, he's got to get used to it, one of us can't always be back there with him."

Prince opens the door for me and I climb in, securing my seatbelt while he walks around to the driver's side.  Once he's in and belted he just sits and stares out the windshield.  I can still feel the protection vibe coming from him, but now there's an edge of something else, fear?

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