1: Prayers Answered

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Anton sat on the chair, listening to Anibal talks about his choices of a wife. Even though Anibal already had someone in mind. But he was giving Anton options.

But Anton's mind was somewhere else. His thoughts were full of Evelyn, even though he shouldn't be thinking of her. He couldn't help it. Since he could smell her, her scent hasn't left him. It was addicting. He wanted to see her again, at least from a distance. But that wasn't possible.

"Anton, are you listening?!" Anibal growled.

Anton snapped out of his thoughts and looked at him. "What? Sorry, look, pick anyone." He stood up. "I'm going out; I have things to do."

"Anton, you must concentrate on this," Anibal said. "Stop being lazy and act as our leader."

"Yes, I know," Anton said. "I'll do that after the wedding. For now, let me enjoy my freedom." He ran off.

"Damn it, Anton!" Anibal slammed the chair.

"He's at it again?" Alton walked in. "What are we going to do with Anton? He's the eldest, yet he acts like a child. Wouldn't it be a good idea if you took control? I'm sure Anton wouldn't mind."

"That would be great," Anibal said. "But it would be up to the clan and elders to decide. And we don't have the time for that."

"Damn," Alton sighed. "What will we do now?"

"Continue with the preparations," Anibal said. "And hope that Anton will start acting like the leader that father once was."

Anton walked along the path leading to the river. There he sat on the edge and stared down at the water. Anton wanted to see her. That is all he wanted, only a glimpse.

"Evelyn, hurry up!" Anton tensed and quickly hid. He didn't know humans were this close to the clan. "We have to wash the clothes and quickly head back."

Evelyn walked over and sat down, setting the basket down. "The water looks refreshing."

Anton gripped the branch. There she was, Evelyn. His prayers got answered. But who were the other three?

"Isn't it wonderful," Eliana sighed. "Someone is finally courting you, Evelyn."

"I don't like him," Evelyn said. "His very obnoxious. And thinks he's better than others."

"But his handsome," Eliana said. "You should be happy to have someone as wealthy as him to court you."

"I don't care about wealth," Evelyn said. "He can keep all that. I want someone who works for it. Someone who doesn't use their wealth to get what they want."

Grace smiled. "Good way of thinking. I don't like him either. Especially the way he looks at you."

"True to that," Skyla said. "He's a pervert. And I think he'll go bald like his father too. So I suggest you find someone with good features. Or your children will come out bald too."

Evelyn giggled. "Yeah." They all laughed.

"Alright enough talking, let's wash these clothes," Grace said.

Anton had listened to their conversation; she's getting married too.

Anton shouldn't be worrying about it. But he was, and it angered him. He was feeling annoyed with her getting married.

"We are all done," Grace said. "Evelyn, are you not done yet?"

"Nope," Evelyn smiled. "My bad, you know how slow I am."

"Yes, we know," Grace sighed. "Alright, it's still daylight. Just hurry up. You have time minutes. If your not home by then, we'll come looking for you, understood?"

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