3: Suspicions

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"And then, she tripped over a bucket and fell into the mud," Grace laughed. "She was furious because nothing like that ever happens to her."

Skyla glare. "I thought we weren't going to speak of that. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life."

"But it was so funny," Grace said. "I mean, you cover in the mud."

Anton listened to them; they were like an average family. He felt welcomed.

"Here, do you want some more apple pie?" Evelyn asked.

"No, thank you, I'm good," Anton said. "You are a great baker and cooker."

"Thank you," Evelyn smiled.

"Indeed she is," Bob said. "She's the only one who heritage her mother's talents."

Grace gasp. "Dad, you are saying we are useless, and she's not?"

"No," Bob smiled. "You all have distinguished talents. But you're all awful at cooking or baking. Remember that time you three almost burn the house down?"

"Dad," Eliana pout. "That was an accident. And since then, Evelyn has been cooking. I guess she did heritage mother's talents."

"I love all four of you equally," Bob said. "Now then, please clear the table."

"Yes, father," they said and stood up.

"I should get going," Anton stood. "Thank you for the food. It was great."

"Please feel free to come again," Bob said. "You are welcome to our family."

Anton nod.

But he didn't know if he would come again. He has already risked too much.

"Come, I'll accompany you," Evelyn stood up.

Anton nod. "Thank you again, and goodnight."

Evelyn led him out. "I hope you had a good time."

"I did," Anton said. "Your family is hilarious. They don't care how they act. Or who to impress."

"Our father always tells us to be ourselves," Evelyn said. "And to not let anyone change us if they don't like us, then it's best to part ways with them."

"That's good advice," he said. "Being yourself it's what separates you from the others."

Evelyn sighed. "It's a lovely night, isn't it."

"Yes, it is," he said as he stared at her instead.

"What?" Evelyn looked down. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No," he coughed. "You're beautiful."

"Ah, thank you," she fiddle with her hair.

"I'll head home from here," he said. "I don't want you to be far from your home. Again, thank you."

"Your welcome," she smiled. "I hope to see you again." Evelyn got on her toes and kissed his cheek.

Anton's blood boiled from that single kiss on his cheek. He felt the need to take her. His right arm was shaking, just from it. "Yeah, I hope so too." He does hope to see her again. He knows it's wrong, but something about her makes him want to keep seeing her. "Go, I'll watch you until you're at the front door."

"Okay," Evelyn smiled and walked away. Halfway there, she waved at him.

He waved back.

Evelyn made it to the door and walked in. She closed it and leaned against as she sighed.

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