30: Female Lycan

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Evelyn had woken up to something breaking and had gotten up to check it out. But what she found was the door wide open, and then she was grabbed from behind.

Everything happened so fast that she didn't have time to yell. Her father and sisters were dragged out of bed and tied up.

"Paul, don't do this," Bob said. "We are family; you can't kill us for some property. A property that isn't mine."

"What do you mean, it's not yours?" Paul asked.

"I sold it to someone," Bob said. "To Anton, and if you killed us. It would be for nothing. Anton will find you and kill you."

"Damn it!" Paul aims the pistol at him. "Why do you always get in my way? If you had only just sold it to me. You and your daughters wouldn't have to die." Paul looked at them. "Wait, one, two, three. I'm sure you have another one. Erica, did you search the place?"

"Yes," Erica said. "They are the only ones that I found."

Bob look toward the door. Eliana was peeking in; he looked at her. She was their only chance of surviving. He had only one choice. "Run!" But Eliana seemed to have frozen. He needed to get her moving. "Run!" He yelled again. And she finally moved.

"Grab her!" Paul yelled. "I knew there was one missing. Erica go! And kill her before she gets help!"

"Eliana, run!" Bob watched her run. And this Erica girl ran after her. He hopes she gets help.

"She will get help," Skyla said. "And you will be sorry, you stupid old man."

"Skyla, be quiet," Grace glared. "You'll just make it worse."

"All of you be quiet," Paul said. "Well, let's just shut you up for good. I'll let you watch how I have my way with them, and then I'll kill them. First up, Evelyn, you are beautiful, just like your mother. I can understand why you marry that redhead, Bob." He dragged Evelyn by her hair and sniffed her. "You smell good, lavender. I bet you have a great body." Evelyn struggled. He untied her hands and threw her down.

"No!" Evelyn pushed him away. "Get off me!" She cried out as he pinned her hands above her head. "Please don't." 

"Get your hands off her!" Bob tried to get free, but he topples over. 

Evelyn cried out when Paul ripped her front open. She looked away. Evelyn didn't want this. Because then his father will find out she's not a virgin. And Evelyn didn't want to be touched by anyone but Anton. She felt his cold hands on her thighs and lips along her neck. She closed her eyes, praying for Anton to come.

Andre quietly stepped on the porched and peeked in. He saw Paul on top of Evelyn while her sisters and father were tied up. The sick bastard was making them watch. He needed to get Paul's attention. Andre took a deep breath; he has no choice but to change. It's the only way to stop him. He began to change once he was a full Lycan. He used his nails to scratch against the outside wall.

Paul looked up. "Who's there?" Evelyn felt her legs tremble. He was so close. "Erica?"

Andre scratched the wall and slammed the door closed with such force; it caused all the candles and fireplace to burn out. 

"Damn it," Paul stood up. "You are lucky, but don't think you'll get free of me." Paul walked out.

Evelyn sat up and crawled over to her father and helped him to sit back up. She untied him and her sisters. Bob held her tightly and used a blanket to cover her up.

"Ah!" Paul screamed.

They heard his screams and growls. Paul ran in and tripped; he was bloody. "Help me." He said before he got dragged back out. Then they didn't hear his screams anymore. 

Evelyn stood up and grabbed a candle. She lighted it back up and went outside.

"Evelyn comes back here," Bob said.

Evelyn didn't listen and stepped out. She saw movement near the woods. Two glowing eyes stared at her. She went back inside and set the candle down. "I'll be back!" 

"Evelyn!!" Her father yelled at her.

Evelyn ran out and to the woods. Those eyes, it could be him the Lycan who saved her. She ran through the snow. And it seems the wind was picking up; she didn't mind, though. Halfway there, she heard growls. She stopped and walked over to what looked like a body. Evelyn covered her mouth; it was Paul, well what's left of him. She backed away.

"You should've had listened to your father," someone said. Evelyn turned around and came face to face with a Lycan. But this wasn't the one. Plus, this one looked like a female. "Even though I can't kill your family, I can at least kill you." Evelyn ran. 

But it was useless; she made it halfway before tripping over a log. The female Lycan jumped her and bit her side. Evelyn cried out in pain; she turned around and kicked her.

Evelyn stood up and walked away, holding her side.

That Lycan took a big bite of her side. She stumbles a few times before she reached the cave; she frowned; this was so strange, Evelyn has been here before only once. How did Evelyn remember the way? Shaking her head, she went in and slid down the wall. How did things turn out this way? 

Closing her eyes, she controlled her breathing.

Anton reached the house where Andre was helping Bob up. "I couldn't stop her," Andre said. "Your daughter is a fast runner."

"Anton," Bob walked over to him. "Evelyn, she went after someone. I told her not to go, but you know how she is. Please go get her and bring her back to me!"

"I will, Anibal come with me," Anton said. "Anibal, Andre, take them to the house. I'm sure Bob will be safer and will want to be closer to Eliana."

"Eliana, my daughter, is she alright?" Bob asked.

"She is fine," Anibal said. "A bit injured, though nothing that can't get fixed. But scars will be left behind."

"Take me to her," Bob grabbed his coat. Anibal nod. 

"What happened to Paul?" Anibal asked. 

"I led him out," Andre said. "Just by making sounds, then I hid in the back of the house to wait. I ran out when I heard him scream and saw him get dragged by someone." Anibal understood what he meant.

"Let's go," Bob said.

They nod and lead him out to where the carriage was.

Anton followed Evelyn's scent. "This way," Anton said. Alton followed behind.

"I smell Erica as well," Alton said. "She may be after Evelyn."

Anton growled and ran, changing as he ran. Alton had to keep up with him. 

"Evelyn, please be alright," Anton speed up.





Miss SayaChan

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