9: Family

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Evelyn let out a low moan as Anton kept fondling her breasts and licking them. She covered her mouth and stared at the ceiling.

Anton looked at her and smiled. He stopped and moved her hands away from her mouth.

Anton kissed her deeply and passionately. While he kissed her, he rolled her camisole up to her thighs. Pulling her legs around him, Anton pressed against her. He felt her jump a little.

"You're," Evelyn couldn't say it.

"Yeah, I know," he gulped and kissed her. "This is how my body reacts to yours."

He grinds against her.

Evelyn grunted as he started to grind against her. She wonders how it will feel. She was so curious, but that won't happen. Anton isn't willing to go that far; he was kind. Evelyn clenched her hands.

Anton lowered down until her breasts got squished against him. Anton wrapped his arms around her tightly and continued to grind against her. Evelyn slipped her arms under his armpits and placed her hands on his back.

The harder he grind, the more she clings to him, digging her nails into his skin, which he didn't mind. Anton gripped her thighs. He was starting to lose control; if he continued, he could change. And Anton didn't want that. But he wanted her so badly.

Evelyn dug her nails into his back. She felt her mind blank out. Her vision was becoming very fuzzy; it must be because of the heat. Her hair was sticking to her because of the sweat.

"Anton," Evelyn moaned his name out. Anton growled profoundly and came in his trousers. Evelyn let out a scream. Anton covered her mouth. Her body was convulsing, just from her orgasm. She soon settled down and relaxed.

"I feel strange," she said.

"I know," he kissed her. "Your first orgasm. It leaves you very relaxed."

"Oh," she smiled. "Ah, we should go back. I still need to cook."

"I'll help you up," he stood and helped her up.

Evelyn felt a bit weak. Her legs were a bit shaky but soon got her strength back.

"Here," he fixed her gown. "There."

"Thanks," she smiled and kissed him. "Now, let's go."

They dived back into the water and washed up before heading back. Once again, at the farm.

Evelyn brushed her hair out and braided it. She had changed out of her undergarment and slipped on a loose dress.

She started making supper.

Anton helped her after he changed as well. He would kiss her once in a while. By the time Bob and the girls arrived.

Anton and Evelyn were setting the table.

"Welcome back, father," Evelyn helped him with the basket.

"I'm exhausted," Bob sat down. "And it was so hot today. I see the clothes fit you well."

"Ah, yes," Anton smiled. "Thank you again."

"You went swimming without us?" Grace said. "Your hair is still wet."

"Yes," Evelyn set the pot on the table. "Anton accompany me to make sure I was safe. And he took the opportunity to bathe."

"Thank you, Anton," Bob smiled. "I'm happy to have you here. Since sometimes, Evelyn would go there on her own. And I don't like it."

Evelyn sighed. "Father, you worry too much."

"I have to, that's my duty as a father," Bob said. "To worry about their children. In my case, to worry about four girls. Anton, make sure to have boys; they ate much easier to handle."

Anton chuckled. "Boys aren't that easy to handle. I have two younger brothers; believe me; they can get into trouble a lot. Well, that was when they were younger. Now that they are adults, they seem to behave."

"Oh, are they single?" Eliana asked.

"Eliana," Grace nudges her. "Don't be rude."

"I was just asking," Eliana said. "We don't know him that well. This the first time he talks about his family."

"That's true," Skyla glared. "So, tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Enough you three," Bob broke off a piece of flatbread. "Leave him alone. His business isn't your concern."

"It's fine," Anton said. "I'll tell you a little bit. I have two brothers, Anibal, who's always bossy, and Alton always follows Anibal around. I'd also have a cousin who misbehave a lot, Andre. He was the one who you saw on the tree. He was watching me."

"How did he get up there?" Eliana asked. "That seems dangerous and hard to climb."

"Like I said, his always being bad," Anton said. "He's good at climbing. We all are, don't know why. But it runs in our family." They are Lycan's, after all.

"This Anibal," Grace frowned. "I already dislike him for being bossy. Why is he so bossy?"

"Well," Anton may as well tell them. "My family comes from a very wealthy bloodline. And I am the heir. They want me to get married and have a child. To keep the bloodline going."

"Marry, that's stupid," Skyla said. "Arrange marriages suck, right father." Bob nod. "And what, can't your brother marry instead. And why so sudden? Are you all die or something?"

"No," Anton couldn't tell them the truth. So he can change it up a bit. "We are problematic, and we get into hefty agreements. And one of us always ends up dead. It's not a cure, more like a heritage thing."

"Oh, like Evelyn," Eliana smiled. "She got all our mother talents cooking, baking, knitting, sewing, green thumb, singing, and so, many more. And she got our mother's red hair and green eyes. And those freckles." Evelyn blink.

"Your family is a disaster," Grace said. "You need a female to keep you all in check. Someone to smack you all-around when you do something wrong. What about your parents?"

"They died a long time ago," Anton said. "It was when I became an adult. So my brother and I didn't suffer much when they died. We were all grown by then."

"How old are you?" Skyla asked.

Anton was trapped. He was much older. Probably older than Bob. "I'm past my twenties."

Grace spit the water back, coughing. Eliana patted her back.

"Nice Evelyn," Skyla smiled. "An older man is courting you. How wonderful."

Evelyn looked at Anton. "He doesn't look like his age."

"Good genes," he said. "Runs in the family. You should meet Andre, his older than me."

"It's a bit frighting," Grace said as she received from her coughs. "To know you don't look your age."

"We all look different," Bob said. "It all depends on the level of stress. I'm only in my 50s, and I have fully white hair. Now I wonder how I got them."

Eliana smiled. "From us giving you mini frights."

"Exactly," Bob chuckled.

Anton smiled. "Hopefully, that won't happen to me." Anton is having the time of his life. But he wonders how everyone was back at home. He could only imagine.

Miss SayaChan

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