25: Evil Plans

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Erica has found a way to get what she wants. 

There's a man who wants this land. And she has tried everything, but nothing has worked. So perhaps she can help him.

"So, you can get rid of them?" Paul asked. "Why should we believe you?"

"Because I hate the youngest daughter, Evelyn," Erica said. "She just came out of nowhere and took what belongs to me."

"You mean the man she's going to marry?" Paul asked. Erica nod. "The same thing happened to my son. Evelyn was to marry him, but that man, Anton, came in and stole her. So I guess we can help each other out. But we will do it my way."

"What do you have in mind?" Erica asked.

"Don't just kill the girl," Paul said. "Kill them all. I want them all dead. But make it look like a Lycan did it. They must suffer."

Erica smiles. "Sure, I like making people suffer. But I'll take my time with Evelyn. I'll make her watch as I killed her stupid family."

"Fine, but don't leave any trace that you were there," Paul said. "We'll do it when the snow covers the ground. It'll be easy to hide any tracks."

"Deal," Erica shook his hand.

Paul pulled her to him. "Such beauty that Anton was a fool to let you go. You are beautiful, and I bet you have a great body." He kissed her neck. Erica shouldn't allow a human to touch her.

"Not so fast," Erica stepped away. "Don't think I'll just allow you to do as you please with me." She said. "You can't have me."

"And why not?" Paul laugh. "Come on, you and I are in this together; we may as well go all the way." 

Erica sighed. It won't matter what happens to her. "Fine." Paul grabbed her again. She will have to endure it for a while. Then she will kill him as well.

Anton went through the document and a map of the land.

Bob owns a lot of land. But he still didn't understand what everyone wants.

It was all just, lands. Nothing so special.

"What's that?" Anibal pointed to a section of the map. "This area, it looks different, like a hill."

"Hmm," Anton will have to take a look at it in person. "We have to check it out. I don't think Bob has explored his lands yet. There could be something valuable out there. And those men that want to buy his lands may know about it."

"When do you want to go?" Anibal said. 

"Now," Anton said. "I want to get familiar with the land. I am responsible for it, and I want to do my best to keep them safe until one of his daughters inherits it." Anton stood up, rolling up the map and placing the documents in the safe.

Anibal followed him out and made their way through the woods and toward the spot that had a hill. "I wonder what could be in there."

"Something worth killing for," Anton said. "And whatever it is, I will find it."

"Bob must own things that he doesn't know about," Anibal said. "For all we know, he could have mine hidden somewhere." He laughs. "He could be rich."

"Probably," Anton said. 

The walk to the mysterious spot was long and dangerous. "Wow, I was just kidding about the mine."

"Looks like we figure out what they are after," Anton said. "And it seems someone has been here, mining away. They are stealing from Bob."

"No," Anibal picked up a pickaxe. "This is old; this mine has been abandon. And I can tell why the cave collapsed."

"Even if no one is using it," Anton sighed. "They will want to. I'll tell Bob about this."

"What if he knows about this, and he just forgot?" Anibal said. 

"Perhaps," Anton rolled the map up. "But we won't until we ask him. Thought right now, he's busy trying to get ready for winter. So I'll tell Bob once he's finished."

"In the meantime, I'll keep watch of the mine," Anibal said. "Just to make sure they don't come here."

"Thanks," Anton could have never imagined that Bob would own a mine. And who knows what's inside there. "Let's head back."

"No, wait," Anibal frowned. "Someones coming." They climbed the trees and hid.

"Father," that was Jerry. "I don't want to do this. Just leave the mine; we have others. What's so special about this one?"

"This one belonged to us," Paul said. "Until your ancestor married one of the Kenzie. And when she died, she left everything to the only son. And he was the only one whose last name was Kenzie. And since then, these lands have been passed down to the Kenzie. It's why I wanted you to marry one of them. So that you could get our lands back."

"I didn't know that," Jerry frowned. "So they are like family. And Evelyn is my cousin or second cousin."

"Yes," Paul smiled. "And soon, this mine will be ours. They won't make it this winter."

"I can't do this," Jerry said. "Now that I know they are family. I can't possibly see them die. Father, just let this go; it's just a piece of land. Their life is more important than this."

"Boy, your weakness will be the end of you," Paul said. "Jerry, son, you can back down now. We are in this together."

"My name isn't jerry," Jerry said. "You know that."

"I know," Paul said. "But Jerry is the name of my father. Your mother was stupid to name you, Elvin, what was she thinking, naming you after her father."

"Who was her father?" Jerry asked. "Was it one of the Kenzie children?"

"Yes," Paul chuckled. "I seduced the eldest daughter and married her only because the father had a silly rule. Whichever of their children has a son, they will inherit the farm and everything in it. I thought we had won it. But I was wrong; Bob won."

"How, if he has all girls?" Jerry frowned. 

"He had a son," Paul said. "He didn't live pass infant."

Jerry stepped back. "What did you do with him?"

"I took him and left him to die in the woods," Paul said. "Bob assumed it was a fox or coyote who took the baby. But either way, he still kept the farm. And continue to have more kids though he continued to look for his missing son. Even now."

Jerry couldn't believe his father was a monster. He killed an innocent child who couldn't defend himself. He couldn't do this anymore. "I won't go along with your plans. I'm sorry, but I can't." He turned around and walked away.

"So be it," Paul followed and stabbed him in the back. "I would do anything to get what I want, even killing my son."

Jerry coughed and fell forward. How could he have turned his back to him? Jerry knew how dangerous his father was. He laid there bleeding out. Paul took his knife back and wiped the blood off. Jerry watched his father leave. Will he die here?

Perhaps this is what he deserves for doing evil things. He closed his eyes. But then he heard voices.

"Leave him, that's what he gets," someone said.

"We can't leave him," he felt someone picking him out. "Look, I know his bad. But he has a lot of information. Now stop complaining and help me carry him."

Jerry heard shuffling and a snapping of sticks. He wonders who it could be. He eventually passed out.





Miss SayaChan

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