26: Jerry/Elvin?

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"Was it wise to bring him here?" Alton asked. "He's that man, son."

"I couldn't just leave him," Anton said. "Besides, he can tell us what his father is trying to do."

"What is his name?" Alton asked.

"Jerry, but we heard that was just a fake name," Anibal said. "Because his father didn't like the name that his mother gave him, which is Elvin."

"Elvin?" Kristy dab a cloth against the wound. "Pretty name." She smiled.

"How is the wound?" Anton asked. "Will he make it?"

"The wound is deep," Patricia said. "But he seems to be holding on to life. We have to lower his fever. Right now, he's not doing do well."

"Do everything you can to save him," Anton said. "Keep us inform."

"We will," Patricia smiled. "Now out, too many of us in here isn't good for him. Kristy, get me more clean water."

"Okay," Kristy grabbed the bowl.

Anton followed Anibal and Alton out. "His father tried to kill him," Andre said. "That man is desperate. He doesn't want anyone to find out about his plans. He probably thinks his son is dead."

"He could die," Anibal said. "But it's still too soon. Are you going to tell Bob? Or Evelyn?"

"No," Anton looked down. "I will wait and see what Paul will do. He will probably announce his son's disappearance. For all we know, he could blame Bob for it."

"You think he will accuse him of killing Elvin?" Anibal said. "But we have Elvin now. Won't that be a surprise to Paul."

"Who knows?" Anton sighed. "We will just wait."

Kristy set the bowl down. "Here, mother." 

"You don't have to call me that," Patricia said. "I won't ever replace your mother."

"I know," Kristy smiled. "But you are my father's wife and my stepmother. I don't mind calling you that."

"Okay," Patricia smiled. "Thought your sister doesn't like me."

"Ignore her," Kristy said. "She is just jealous because she didn't get married. Just let her be; she's not worth our attention. Right now, this man needs our help." Patricia nod. "He is handsome, isn't he."

"Such young too," Patricia sighed. "His fever hasn't gone down yet."

"He will get better," Kristy said. They continued to take care of him. 

Anton washed his face and stared in the mirror; it seems the problems keep piling up. He doesn't know what to do.

Thought what he could do, is protect Evelyn and her family. Even if it means revealing who he is, Anton shook his head. He went back to his bed. Anton picked up the ribbon. He hasn't gotten the nerve to as Evelyn if this ribbon belonged to her. It may be because it smells just like her. Eventually, he will ask her, but not now. He sighed and closed his eyes holding the ribbon against his chest.

Kristy sat on the bed, tending to the man that the guys brought over, the human. She has to admit, Elvin is a handsome man. He has the curliest brown hair. She ran her hand through his hair, so soft and soaked. His fever hasn't gone down, and he was sweating. She grabbed the cloth and wiped it against his forehead. "I'd hope you get well." She wet the cloth and patted his head. She kept doing that until he stirs and opened his eyes; his eyes were light blue. "Hey?"

He blinked a few times and opened his mouth, wanting to speak. But he couldn't; he just closed it and looked at her. 

"I'm Kristy," she said. "You're at Anton's home. He found you injured and brought you here. Your name is Elvin, right?"

He frowned and nod. He tried to speak again. "W..water."

"Oh," Kristy grabbed a cup and filled it with water. "Here, I'll help you." She helped him up and held the cup as he drank. "There, now get some rest. You aren't well yet."

"Anton?" Elvin coughed. "W..why..did he bring me here?" Elvin's voice was raspy from the lack of water. 

"I don't know," Kristy said. "You will have to ask him later; right now his probably sleeping; it is nighttime."

Elvin nod and lost consciousness again.

Kristy sighed; him waking up was a good sign that he will be alright.  He will tell Anton tomorrow morning since she didn't want to wake him up.

In the morning, Kristy has dozed off and had woken up when someone taps her shoulder. She sat up panicking. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, Kristy was able to see Elvin. He was sitting up. "You shouldn't be sitting up. Your wound can reopen." She checked his back and frowned; his wound, it disappeared. "But how?"

"Hmm?" Elvin just stared at her. "I feel the pain, but not like I used too. What's going on?"

Kristy looked at him. "I'll go get Anton."

A few minutes later. Anton stood there, staring at Elvin's back. "It's gone, he can't be like us? Can he? Well, Patricia, what do you think?"

"I can't tell," she said. 

"Elvin," Anton looked at him. "What are you?"

"I don't know what you're asking me," Elvin said. "I don't know how I healed. But what are you?" Elvin sighed. "When I was a baby, I got bitten by a Lycan. And ever since then, I have been able to heal. Of course, my father never knew."

"I see," Anton sighed. "Well, now you can't leave this place because you got bitten by a Lycan."

"Why can't I leave?" Elvin asked.

"Because you can at any moment turn," Anton said. "To start with, we are Lycans."

"What?" Elvin looked at them. "I knew it there was something off about you all, but I could have never imagined that you could be a Lycan. Does Evelyn know?"

"No, and I suggest you keep this quiet," Anton said. "And also, you will tell me what your father intends to do to Evelyn and her family?"

Elvin sighed. "He wants to kill them. Look, I'm not in this. I decided not to follow him."

"I see," Anton glared. "I will stop your father. And he may die, are you alright with that?"

"It's his life," Elvin said. "He asks for what's coming to him. My father killed an innocent child. And he lied to me, all this time I thought I didn't have any more family. And I do; Evelyn is my family."

"Okay," Anton sighed. "You will live in the main house until we get you to settle in also to keep an eye on you. Kristy, please make him something to eat. And call me if anything changes."

"I will," Kristy smiled. "I'll take care of him."

Anton walked out.

"Who would've had thought he was like us?" Anibal said. "He was bitten at such a young age. How come he hasn't changed yet?"

"He may have been suppressing it," Anton said. "And now that his here. He may feel safe and let loose, which will be fine. Like this, our clan will keep growing."

"But bitting is against the law," Anibal said.

"Elvin wasn't bit," Anton said. "He got bitten a long time ago. We are just taking him in for safety and protection."

"Alright, if you say so," Anibal shrugged.

Anton will have to tell Evelyn the truth about his origin. It's time to come clean.





Miss SayaChan

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