20: Meeting The Family

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Evelyn fiddle with her brand new dress, she chews on her bottom lip. "I'm very nervous. What if your family doesn't like us, aside from cousin and brothers."

"They'll love you," Anton said. "Just be yourself."

"I'm not that worry about myself," Evelyn said. "I'm worried about my sisters and the mistakes they'll committee this evening."

"Oh yeah," Anton chuckle. "If they do, we can't do anything."

"I know," Evelyn finished fixing her hair. "But, my father will be there, and he'll keep an eye on them."

"That's true," Anton smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Are we all ready?" Bob walked out. "Come on, girls."

"Coming," Eliana walked out wearing a beautiful, merely blue dress with her curly hair and a blue ribbon. She was dress more childish than the other three.

Grace wore a tighter elegant red dress with her hair up in a bun. And Skyla just wore a simple white dress; her hair was in a braid. She didn't seem to care about what she wore.

But Anton thought that Evelyn looked more beautiful with the pink and white dress, and her hair was down in curls. Evelyn wore a white ribbon around her neck.

"Now let's go, we don't want to keep his family waiting," Bob said.

"We will take the carriage that I bought," Anton said.

"This is so exciting," Eliana smiled. "It's great to go out and have fun."

Anton led them out to the carriage and helped the girls get on; he and Bob rode at the front. "Alright, let's go."

Anibal helped to set the last chairs. "They're all done."

"Yeah," Andre smiled. "When is Anton getting here?"

"He should be coming now," Anibal said. "But there are four girls; you know how long they take to get ready."

"Right," Andre slipped his coat off. "I hate dress clothes."

"Andre," Elder Chiyo smacked his hand and fixed his collar shirt. "It's only for today."

"Yeah," Andre scoff. "Everyone seems a bit calm. They haven't said anything bad or complained about Anton and his bride to be?"

"It because I had a long talk with them," Chiyo said. "I told them if something is to happen the Evelyn or her family. They'll pay the consequences. They agree not to follow Erica. You where right Anibal, Erica was planning on attacking Evelyn so, we don't have to worry about anything."

"Are you going to tell Anton?" Anibal asked.

"We have too, he is the leader," Chiyo said. "We must not keep anything from him."

Anibal had to hold his breath when the scent of oranges got stronger. "They are here." He exhaled and grabbed a glass of wine from the table and drank it.

"Wonderful," Chiyo walked over to them and waited for the horses to halt.

Evelyn peeked out and saw many people. She was nervous and didn't want to get out. "Come, it will be alright," Anton assured her and held his hand out. She sighed and took it. He helped her down. 

"Anton," Evelyn looked over to an older woman. She looked old, but at the same time, she didn't. "I glad your all here, welcome. It's finally an honor to meet you all."

"This is Chiyo," Anton said. "She is like an elder if you get what I mean. Chiyo, this is Evelyn, her father Bob, and sisters, Grace, Eliana, and Skyla."

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