7: Risky Alone

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Anton sat across Evelyn, watching her knit. She was very good at it.

She stopped and looked at him. "Have you never seen a woman knit?"

"Ah, yes, I have," he looked around. "It's just fascinating to watch you. You seem to have many talents."

"I do," she smiled. "I inherited from my mother. I'm more like my mother than my other sisters."

"Your mother must've been wonderful as you," he said.

"That's what my father tells me," she continued to knit.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," he said. 

"It's fine," she set it down and stood up to check on the stove. Anton followed her. "So, may I ask why you look so stress?"

"My family is urging me to get married," he said. "But I don't want too."

"Oh," she poked at the wood with a stick. "Well, you should tell them that you're not ready."

"I did," Anton said. "It's why I'm here."

"Oh yeah," Evelyn smiled and winced, dropping the stick. 

"You okay?" He grabbed her hand.

"Just got to close to the flames," she blushed as he kissed her hand.

"Be careful," he said.

Evelyn nod.

He smiled and kissed her. He couldn't help it.

He kissed with such force that Evelyn had to hold on to him for dear life. Evelyn wasn't expecting this. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her. She felt his arms wrap around her. 

"Anton," she whispered his name out. He groaned and kissed down her neck like last night. She shivered as her shoulder was exposed; he was kissing and nibbling on it. And somehow she was on the table. It was wrong, very wrong.

Anton pulled her closer, lifting her dress to her thighs. He tightly gripped her legs as he kept kissing her passionately.

Evelyn rested her head against his shoulder. She was letting him touch her even though they aren't together or anything. Evelyn shouldn't let him. But she couldn't resist. Evelyn gasped when he pulled her against his erection. Gripping the back of his shirt, she tightens her legs around him.

"Tell me to stop," Anton whisper. "Please tell me." He wanted her to stop him before this goes too far. But she wasn't speaking. It was like she wanted him to continue. And it would've had if they didn't smell the burning of bread.

Evelyn gasp and got off the table. "Oh, dear." She took the bread out and set it on the wooden trait. "Hmm, it burned. I'll have to redo it."

"Sorry, it's my fault," Anton said.

"No," Evelyn looked at him. "It's my fault as well." Evelyn took a deep breath and smoothed her dress down and fixed the top. "It's bad being alone, isn't it." She chuckled nervously.

"Yes, it is," he kissed her once more. "You know, I wish I can court you, but some people won't approve of it. I want you to be my wife."

Evelyn's eyes sparkle. "My father would like it."

"But my family won't," Anton frowned. "Thought, they don't have to know, so long as I keep it a secret. And also, there's Jerry; I don't think he will give up that easily."

"I know," Evelyn hugged him. "Anton, I like you."

"I like you too," he kissed her head. "I hope your father approves of me."

"He will," Evelyn pulled away. "I should get started on that bread."

He nodded and stepped out of her way. This decision he has made will bring problems. But he won't back down. He wants to find the love of his life, and he did. Evelyn was the love of his wife, a human. Who would've had predicted? But anything is possible. Thought if he does marry her in secret and if they have children. They will be like him; this was turning out to be more complicated than he thought.

That evening, he sat next to Evelyn. "Of course, you may stay here. Stay for as long as you need." Bob smiled.

"Thank you," Anton nibble on a piece of bread. "I won't stay long just until I can clear my head. There is too much going on back home. I feel like I'm suffocating at home."

"I see," Bob looked at Evelyn. "Evelyn, after dinner, please fix the empty room so that Anton may stay there."

"Yes, father," Evelyn smiled.

"Another man in the house," Grace sighed. "Don't make a mess. I keep this place clean."

"Don't worry, I won't," Anton smiled. "I'll be as neat as I can."

"Thank you," Grace smiled, sip on her soup.

Bob chuckled, shaking his head.

After dinner, Evelyn stayed up to clean the room after her sisters had clean the plates and cups. She hums as she placed a fresh blanket on the bed.

"I can manage from here," Anton walked in. "So, you can go to bed now."

"Well, okay," she set the extra blanket on the bed. "Goodnight." She walked past him. Anton grabbed her hand and pulled her back, "Oh?"

He smiled and kissed her. "I'll talk to your father tomorrow." She blushed. "Have sweet dreams."

Evelyn swallowed and went to bed. 

"What?" Anibal frowned. "He hasn't come back? But it's late; he should be here by now."

"He must be hiding," Andre said. "I couldn't follow him because he ran out so, sudden." Andre already knew here he must be. "Like elder, Chiyo, let him be. He will come back tomorrow. He's probably hiding somewhere trying to let out some stress."

"You are right," Anibal sighed. "I will see him tomorrow then."

Anton laid in bed. Anibal was probably running a mock asking for him. Anton was glad no one knew about this place. Except for Andre, and he better keeps his mouth shut if he knows what's right for him. It's hard to believe that his only a few feet away from Evelyn. She was basically across the hall. If he can get Bob's approval, he will be able to court her. And they can even get married. That would mean that he will have to disappear for a while. He can't go back home. Thought he would take his time to get to know Evelyn better. She may have some questions for him. And he will have to answer them as best he can. And someday he will tell her what he is and pray she would accept him.

Smiling, Anton closed his eyes. Tomorrow will be a great day.





Miss SayaChan

B1)The Lycan's Brideजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें