23: Helping-Disaster

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Evelyn looked at Anton. She didn't know what to tell him. "Come on, spill it," Grace said. "Tell him, or I will."

"Tell me what?" Anton frowned.

"Erica stopped by," Evelyn said. "She said she would take revenge."

Anton clenched his fists. "Evelyn, don't ever hesitate to tell me these things. Especially when Erica is a concern."

"I just didn't want to bother you," Evelyn said. "But, I promised I'll tell you."

"Good," he held her.

"Oh yeah, my father wants to talk to you, his inside," Evelyn said. "Come." She leads him inside while the others stayed outside.

"Andre, it's time to get to work," Grace said. "So let go."

Andre groaned and followed her.

Anibal chuckled. "Good luck!"

"You, too, come!" Eliana grabbed his hand and dragged him. "You can help me feed the baby horse that was born this morning." Anibal looked back at Alton; Skyla forced him toward the sheeps'. "Here we are. Look, isn't she pretty." Eliana knelt next to a baby horse. "Her mother died; it's unfortunate." Anibal felt her sadness.

"Sorry," he crouches down and pets the horse. "Poor and defenseless and needs lots of care."

"I know," Eliana smiled. "I'll be taking care of her until she can take care of herself."

He watched. From what he can tell, Eliana was the kind one who seems to like everyone, mostly everyone. And she has the sweetest smiled. Anibal reached over and moved her hair away from her face.

"Oh," Eliana looked at him. "Thank you, anyways we better get to work."

Grace set the bucket down. "We first have to take the sheep out so that they can eat. But the difficult part will be bringing them back."

"It seems easy, though," Andre smiled. "It won't be that hard."

"Oh, and don't pull their tails," Grace said. "They hate it, so don't do it."

Andre shrugged. "Fine, I won't do it, now can we get to work. I want to get this over it and head home. I don't know why I agreed to this."

"Because you lost the game," Grace said. "So man, up."

Andre groaned and followed her into the corral, where the sheep's where gather. 

Skyla sat there watching Alton feed the chickens. He didn't allow her to do anything, which she didn't mind. But she was getting irritated from not doing anything. So she stood up and pushed him away. "Move. I have to do something."

"Sorry," Alton stepped away. "You are very aggressive; you know that? You could hurt someone like that."

"I don't care," Skyla said and grabbed a baby chick. "I like how I am if no one accepts me how I am. Then they can go slip and drown in a lake."

Alton shook his head. "Keep acting like that, and you'll stay single for the rest of your life."

Skyla turned around and glared at him. "You are starting to irritate me. Why don't you stay quiet."

"Okay," Alton said and sat down. "You do the work then."

Skyla scoff and fed the chickens. But now she was getting annoyed that he was sitting there staring at her. She walked over. "You can at least help. There is a lot to do. And you sitting there, isn't helping."

"Make up your mind," Alton stood. "Either you want my help, or you don't."

"I do," Skyla glared. 

Alton chuckled as he watched her cheeks get red. "I'll help you, but don't get angry. You are turning red."

Skyla jumped him. "You make me so angry." He laughed and gripped her wrists. "Let me hit you."

"No," Alton sat up and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. "You'll end up hurting yourself." Skyla struggled.

"Let me go," she glared. Her dress was soaked. "Oh, great, my dress is wet."

"Because we fell in the water," Alton said. "This is your fault, not mine." Skyla looked at him.

She leaned in and kissed him. She didn't know why, but she needed to do it. And it was something she would never have done.

Alton was stunned by Skyla's action; he didn't know what to do. No one has kissed him before. And he has been kissed by a human; this human is always angry. It was so not like her. But he didn't fight it. He eventually kissed her back. They kissed for what seemed like forever. He pulled away. 

"We should hurry up," he said because he can lose control at any moment. Plus, he didn't want to be scolded by Anton. 

Skyla stood up. "Don't tell anyone about what happened here. If you do, I'll tell them you took advantage of me. And they will believe me."

"I'm sure they will," he said and stood up. "Don't worry; I won't tell anyone about our first kiss. And that you were the one who started it."

Skyla just glared and picked up the bucket. "Let's go; we need to feed the cows." Alton chuckled and followed her.

Grace smiled. "Aren't you a cutie." She held a baby goat. "Andre, stop it. I know you are trying to pull there tell. The goats have hooves; they will kick you hard. I don't want to be responsible for you getting a broken bone."

"Fine," Andre wanting to touch the goats tail. He can't stand getting orders. Especially not from a woman. He was risking his life here. He could end up with a broken bone, and that won't be good.  He supposes he has no choice but to take the risk. Andre tug on the goats tailed. And it wasn't just any goat; it was a male goat. And this goat was now angry. "Um, Grace."

"You didn't?" The goat was getting ready to headbutt him. "You did, don't I tell you not to do it. Why didn't you listen, you stupid man?" She set the baby goat down and ran. "You are on your own." Andre stood and followed her. "Stay away!"

"No!" Andre yelled. "If I get hit, it's on you. You didn't stop me. I'm your responsibility!" Andre said and kept running. Grace glared and stopped.

"You are so unfair," she said. "Honestly, I did tell you, but you didn't listen to me. So now face the consequences. That goat wants revenge, and it'll get revenge."

Andre shook his head. "Like I would let a dumb goat beat me." 

"Um," Grace looked over his shoulder. "He heard you."

Andre gulped and turned around, only to get hit in the gut by the goat. He fell back and held his stomach. "He sure can hit." He coughed and laid on his side. Grace gasped and knelt.

"Are you alright?" Grace sighed. "Let me see." She carefully lifted his shirt. "Ouch, it's starting to get red, come on. We need to take you back to the house and get that wound tended to too. I hope you learn your lesson."

"Lesson learned," Andre said. He will never touch another goat ever again.





Miss SayaChan

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