24: Eliana's Cooking

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Anibal watched Eliana bottle feed the baby horse; while she did that, she sang. He didn't know she could sing. And it was the most beautiful voice he has ever heard.

"I didn't know you could sing," he said.

"I don't sing much," Eliana smiled. "Only when I do my chores. I tend to sing, and it makes the day go faster."

"I see," he smiles. "Still, you have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you," Eliana continue to feed the baby horse.

Anibal notices that Eliana never blushes. She seems very comfortable around him.

She seems to be comfortable with any man. He wonders if he can get her to blush.

"Done," Eliana stood up. "Come on; I have to feed the other horses."

"Okay," he followed her.

She grabbed a brush and a bucket filled with grains and a few apples. She seems to be having trouble. Anibal took the pail; he shook his head. "Oh, thanks."

"Don't you ever ask for help?" Anibal asked. "Maybe if you ask, you'll avoid making mistakes."

"Oh yeah," Eliana giggles. "My bad, I guess I don't really like asking."

"Well, start asking," Anibal said. Elina nod.

In the house, Anton sat there looking down at the documents. "You want me to own your lands temporarily?"

"Yes," Bob sighed. "Just temporarily, until one of my daughters gives me a grandkid. Then they'll on the lands. I need someone else to help me. Because that man Paul doesn't take no for an answer."

"I'll do it," Anton said. "And I'll take these documents with me; you may never know when that man will.try to take them to do fake copies. Because it has happened, at least to me."

"Alright," Bob smiled. "Thank you; I think I can sleep well tonight knowing that the farm is safe with you. But I know Paul will continue to attack."

"I'll handle him," Anton said. "If he asks again, send him to me. Or I'll go to him."

"Thank you again, Anton," Bob pat his hand.

"No need to thank me," Anton said. "I'll be marrying your daughter, so I have a responsibility now. Not just to Evelyn but all of you. You are my family, as well."

Evelyn smiled. It's great hearing those words from Anton. It seems to reassure her father. "Now then, we better head back. Who knows what those six have done to the farm." Bob said.

They chuckled and headed outside to chaos.

"You idiot!" Grace smacked Andre. "I told you not to pull their tail! That they would kick you but did you listen!"

Andre groaned as he held his stomach. "I couldn't resist! Ow, stop smacking me!"

"Men are so useless," Skyla said. "How could you drop the water on me? You're just like Eliana, clumsy."

"It was an accident," Alton grin.

"You did it on purpose," Skyla said. "I'm going to kill you." Skyla jumped him. Alton caught her.

"This is bad," Evelyn said. "This seems minors things. Now I'm worried about Eliana."

"Thanks for helping me," Eliana and Anibal walked out from the stables. "This time, I didn't make any mistakes."

"See, having others helping you out makes everything much easier," Anibal said and pulled some hay out of her hair.

Anton frowned. "They seem, unharmed."

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