22: Threats

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Anton glared. "So Erica riled up a group of them, to try and kill them?" Anton was furious at this development. "How dare they? I should kill them all for what they were planning on doing."

"Good thing, Chiyo interfered," Andre said. "Everything is alright, but I doubt Erica will give up. She seems riled up. And she will do anything to get her revenge."

"You need to be careful," Anibal said. "She could follow you to her place."

"Unless she hasn't already," Alton said. "She wasn't at the ceremony. She could've had to follow you last night."

"Damn it," Anton sighed. "I swear if she does something, I will kill her."

"You are the leader," Anibal said. "And Evelyn will be your wife; you have the right to defend her." Anton stood up. He will protect her.

Erica sat on the tree. She finally found it. The farm where that girl lives at she can now get her revenge. This girl is going to die. 

Evelyn sat on the lodge feeding the baby chickens. "You little cuties." She smiled. "You know, I am delighted. I'm going to get married to the most amazing man. He makes me happy."

"You are radiant today," Grace sat next to her. "Who would've had thought that the youngest would get married first."

"I know," Evelyn giggled.

"You'll probably inherit the farm," Grace said. "And I think you would probably take better care of it than us."

"We don't know that," Evelyn said. "Maybe I won't have babies that soon. Perhaps one of you will."

"True," Grace smiled.

They finished feeding the animals before they headed to the river to wash the clothes.

Evelyn sat on the side, trying to remove the stain out of the dress that Eliana wore. "It's slowly coming off."

"Oh," Eliana sighed. "Okay, thank you."

As they sat there washing, a girl approached them. Grace immediately felt a bad vibe from her.

"Who are you?" Grace stood up.

"Erica," the girl said. "Evelyn, I wanted to meet you," Erica said. "I wanted to meet the girl who took Anton from me."

"Your the girl that he talked about," Evelyn said. "I didn't take him from you. He didn't love you."

"He didn't love me yet," Erica said. "Because you appeared. He should've had left you to die."

"You better watch what you say," Skyla glared. "We won't allow you to insult our sister. I can see why Anton chose Evelyn. You are rude and ignorant."

"Shut up," Erica glared. "You don't know who you're talking too. Evelyn, you will pay for ruining my life."

"Don't threaten her," Grace said. 

Erica smiled. "I'll be seeing you." Erica walked away.

"I swear!" Skyla picked a rock a threw it against a tree. "I could smack her around. She is the most ignorant person I have ever met."

"You have to tell Anton," Grace said. "And don't say that you don't want to bother him. He will be your husband, no secrets."

"Okay," Evelyn looked down. "I'll tell him when I see him."

"Good," Grace sat back down. "Let's just finish up and head back."

When they got back, their father was arguing with a man. "I won't sell, tell him that if he keeps insisting, I will have no choice but to take action. My land is not for sale; it will never be."

"Look, Bob," the man chuckled. "Sooner or later, you'll have to sell. We are offering a lot. Why don't you take it? Beside's who are you going to pass this on too? You only have girls."

Bob smiled. "I don't have just girls." He said. "My youngest daughter will get married, and I plan on making him the only heir to my property. I have already made the arrangements. So you can take your money. Leave."

"Fine," the man glared. "This isn't over," he got on his horse and left.

"Father," Grace walked over. "Who was that?"

"His one of Paul's men," Bob said. "They won't give up. So I don't have a choice but to sign it off to Anton, temporary. The rules will still apply. Whoever gives me a grandchild will be the one to inherit it."

Evelyn was worried they now have another problem. It seems they keep piling up. Sighing, she looked up at the sky. When will all this end?

That night, Evelyn laid in bed, she didn't know if she should tell Anton about Erica. But he will find out. So she better understand him. She wonders how he will take it.

Anton smacked Andre. "You made a deal with Grace. Why would you be so stupid? Grace is smart; she always wins. Now you have to go there and help her on the farm. You are such an idiot."

"Losing to a girl," Anibal laughs. "Sucks for you."

"Look's who talking," Andre grin, "You got your nose busted by Eliana." Anibal groaned. 

"Just be quiet," Anibal said.

Anton shook his head. "We will go tomorrow; be up early."

"I'll go too," Alton said. "I need something to do; it gets pretty boring here."

"Okay," Anton looked at Anibal. "And you? Are you coming?"

"Sure, why not," Anibal stood up. "Maybe she'll poke my eye out this time."

Anton sighed and sat down. "Just stay clear of her."

"By the way, have you seen Erica?" Andre asked. "You haven't talked to her?"

"No, I couldn't find her," Anton said. "She may be hiding from me. Or she may be spying on Evelyn. Either way, I will get to her."

"Hey, did you ask the other clans about who was near the farm?" Anibal asked.

"Yes," Anton bit an apple. "It was from the west clan; their child had their first transformation. And he went on a hunting spree. They stopped him before he could get to the farm."

"Oh," Anibal smiled. "That's great."

"Yes," Anton ate the apple. "It was an unexpected situation, but at least they were able to stop him."

"So when are you going to tell her?" Alton asked. "That you're a Lycan."

"I don't know," Anton sigh. "Stop asking me." He rubs his head. "Hey, I need to ask you all something."

"Hmm, what?" Anibal smacked Andre away. "Keep that orange away."

"Did I went on a rampaged?" Anton asked. "And do any of you know what I did?"

"Oh yeah," Andre peeled the orange. "It was after your parents died. You went nuts."

"You went into the woods," Anibal said. "You were out for like a month. And you came back with a ribbon tied to your wrist."

"A ribbon?" Anton frowned. "What ribbon?"

"I took it off and placed it among your things," Anibal said. "It should be there still. Want me to get it?" He nods. "Okay."

Anibal got up and went to get the ribbon. Anton wonder where he got it?

Anibal came back and held the ribbon out to him. Anton took it; it was the pink one; he smelled it and immediately got lavender's scent. It couldn't be.

"I think I know who this belongs too," Anton said. 

"To who?" Anibal asked.

"Evelyn," he said.





Miss SayaChan

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