18: Jerry?

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Evelyn woke up feeling even sorer than last time. She opens her eyes, blinking a few times. "Huh, Anton?" She sat up, holding the blanket against her body. "Anton?" He wasn't in bed, where could he and gone off too. Evelyn looked around; her bed was a mess. Just like the last time since her bed was against the wall and window. The wall in front of her had claw marks. She placed her hand on it.

"I'll fix it," Anton said and kissed her back. She winced. "Sorry, you may want to take it easy; I did my best not to hurt you. But it was useless."

Anton had changed last night and took her from behind so that she wouldn't see him. And he left scratched on her body.

"Anton," Evelyn turned to him. "I do want to know what your hiding."

"And you will," Anton kissed her shoulder. "I promise I'll tell you."

"Okay," Evelyn stood up and had to sit back down.

"I told you to take it easy," Anton said. "Last night, I was a bit too rough with you."

Evelyn blushed as she remembered last night's actions. And the way Anton had taken her. "Um, that was embarrassing."

He chuckles. "Nothing to be embarrassed about doing it that way is more daring. And gives you more pleasure."

"You say it like you done it before?" She said.

"I won't lie to you," he helped her up. "I had taken other women. But with you, it's different. I love you, Evelyn. With you, I feel different, and I have this need always to protect you."

"I love you too," Evelyn smiled. "You make me so happy. I can't wait to be your wife."

He kissed her, and it ended up with them in bed again.

Anibal stood in front of the elders. "You want to see the girl?"

"Yes," Elder Chiyo smile. "We would love to meet Evelyn and her family. So please go tell Anton that."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Anibal said. "Not everyone will welcome them, Hon."

"You trying to say, something boy," Hon glare.

"You are the one against this whole soon to be marriage," Anibal said. "You keep putting our people against my brother. And you know what's that called, right?"

"Hon, is that true?" Chiyo asked. "You been putting our people against Anton?"

"I only disagree with Anton plans," Hon said. "But I would never betray our clan like that. Why do you say that?"

"We heard rumors," Anibal said. "Of someone trying to stop Anton's plans, we suspect they may attempt to kill Evelyn and her family."

"That's not acceptable," Chiyo stood up. "Hon, you have better not be behind all this."

"I'm not," Hon glare.

"I believe him," Anibal said. "I think it's Erica; she's still unhappy about this whole situation. We may want to keep an eye on her. Give her a little warning."

"Erica," Chiyo sighed. "I'll talk to her. I'll talk to everyone."

"Alright," Anibal said. "I'll go tell Anton myself. No, I'll wait until he comes back. Just in case, we don't want Erica to know where they live."

"Okay," Chiyo smiled. "Now go, we have lots of things to do." Anibal nod and walked out.

"Anibal," Kristy walked over to him. "It's good that I bump into you.'

"Do you need anything?" Anibal smiled.

"Could you accompany me to my father's wedding?" She looked down. "If you can, I mean, you don't have too."

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