17: Irritated Anibal

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"Anton," she set the bowl of soup in front of him. "How did you claw the floor?"

Anton knew she was going to ask that. "I can't tell you." He said. "I want too, but I can't. If I tell you now, I don't know what you'll do. You'll probably run from me."

"Why?" She sat next to him. "Anton, not only the claw marks. But your eyes, I swear I saw them glow. And you grew."

"Hmm," Anton looked at her. She saw that much. He stroke her cheek. "Give me time. I will tell you eventually."

"Okay," she smiled. "I trust you." Anton was dying inside. She wanted to know, but he was afraid of how she will react. He may chase him away.

"I'll replace the wood before your father comes back," Anton said.

"Do you know how?" She asked.

"Yes," he ate a piece of bread. "I have done it before. When my brother decided to scribble on the floor with a knife."

"Oh," she giggles. "Alright, there's wood in the back."

"I'll get to work after I finish," he kissed her cheek, she nods.

Anibal groaned. "I can't stand this; this god damn smell."

"You're irritated with it, aren't you," Andre said. "I already got used to it."

"Well, good for you!" Anibal yell. "I have to get rid of this smell."

"Try sleeping with someone," Andre said. "Maybe by doing that, our female will overpower Eliana's scent."

"That's a good idea," Anibal stood up. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," Andre chuckle.

Hours later, Anibal came back even more frustrated. "It didn't work!" He yelled and slammed his head against the wall. "Her scent just got stronger."

"Hey," Alton walked in. "Look who I found, Kristy. And she brought us some fruit." Alton smiled. "And she will make us fresh orange juice."

Anibal screamed and walked out. "I hate oranges!" He ran out.

"Oh," Kristy watched him go. "I didn't know he hated them. He used to love it a lot. Did something happen?"

"No," Andre smiled. "He's just a bit cranky today and because he found a worm in his orange yesterday. He will get over it; you'll see."

"Oh well, alright," Kristy smiled. "Well, I hope he gets better before the ceremony."

"Right, your father is getting remarried," Andre said. "How is your sister taking it? Erica can be mean."

"She isn't taking it well," Kristy set the basket on the table. "She doesn't want our father to get married because she couldn't get married. She's selfish." 

"I see," Andre shrugged. "Well, she can't do anything. Erica will have to deal with it."

"I heard you met her," Kristy said. "Anton's new bride. How is she? I mean, is she nice, what does she look like?"

"Are you asking for your sister?" Alton asked. "Because if you are, we can't tell you. Anton forbids us; to keep Evelyn safe."

"No," Kristy shook her head. "I'm just curious; you know we young ones aren't allowed in the meeting room. So we don't get to learn anything. Just from what we hear."

"Well," Alton sighed. "We can tell you a little bit, but nothing that will give her location. Or put her in danger. She is a redhead and is the kindest human we have ever met. She tends to our brother as a wife; she serves him his food. Also, she is good at everything, cooking, baking, sewing, and much more."

"She sounds flawless and amazing," Kristy smiled. "I can tell why Anton wants to marry her. Humans sound kind."

"Only some," Andre said. "Anton was just lucky. Lucky to have found a kind woman as Evelyn."

"So, he will marry her?" Kristy asked. Andre nod. "Well, since he's our leader, I will support him even if my sister and others don't. Some are very angry at Anton. Like elder Hon, he disagrees with Anton's plans."

"They are just afraid of this new change," Alton said. "We have never thought of marrying someone who isn't like us, especially a human; this is a new change, and everyone will have to move forward. It's the only way."

"Well, I hope everyone accepts it," Kristy said. "Anyways, I'll get to cooking; you all seem only to eat leftover. And I won't use oranges. For the sake of Anibal." 

"Thanks," Alton smiled and let her pass to the kitchen.

"She likes Anibal?" Andre whisper. "I can see it in her eyes. Every time she sees him." Alton frowned and looked at Kristy.

"I don't think my brother likes her," Alton said. "He doesn't seem interested in anyone at the moment."

"It could change," Andre said. "Anything is possible." Alton nod. Yes, anything is possible. Look at Anton; he's going to marry a human. So why can't Anibal look at Kristy as wife material? Time will tell.

Anton finished fixing the floor. "There it's like nothing happen. It's good a new." Evelyn sighed.

"I'm glad," she smiled and handed him a cup of water. He took it and drank it. "And I finish washing the blanket; the stain came off. And I burn the gown you shredded." She wrapped her arms around his neck and stroke the back of his hair. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. 

"You ask when I would take you to see my home," she nods. "Well, I remember my uncle is getting remarried. Do you want to accompany me?"

"Yes," she smiled. "I'd love too."

"Good," he kissed her. "It's in a few days. I'll let you know."

Evelyn will finally get to see his home. She wonders how it looks like she will get to see more of this world. Smiling, she kissed him. Anton gripped her waist as he kissed her deeply. Giggling, she pulled away. "We better stop there; I'm still sore from last night."

"Good idea," he kissed her head. "We should head to bed then. It's late, and you need more rest to recover." Evelyn blushed and nod. 

They went into her room after Anton locked the door. He removed his shirt and laid down and watched Evelyn braid her hair. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I just like watching you," he said. "You're just so beautiful; I can't get enough of you."

"If we get married," she stood and walked over, she climbed into bed. "You'll get to watch me every day. And I hope you don't get tired of me."

"I won't," he rubs her cheek with the back of his hand. "I will always want to look at you. Your all I want, well I already had you. But I want you with me."

Evelyn laid down and ran her fingertips through his hair; she leaned in and kissed him. Anton gripped her bottom, making her squeal. He chuckles. "Sorry I couldn't help it."

"I see," she bit her lower lip.

"Don't do that," he groaned. "You'll turn me on, with you biting your lips like that."

"Sorry, I can't help it," she copies him.

"Oh, I see," he grins. "I hope you're not ticklish."

Evelyn gasp.

Miss SayaChan

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