15: Lose Control

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Evelyn laid in bed with Anton. "Anton, can I see you home?"

Anton held her tightly. He didn't want to take her there. Not to the clan, where everyone will take one look at her and want to kill her. Wait, he is the leader; they won't dare touch her. And he will have the elders there. "Yes, one of these days, I'll take you to see my home. But I should warn you. They don't like outsiders much."

"Oh," Evelyn rub his scar. "Well, you don't have to take me. I'm just curious."

"I will take you," he said. "If you are to become my wife, you have to meet everyone."

Evelyn smiled and looked up at him. "I guess that's true. I'd love to be your wife."

"I got a yes from you," he chuckled. "Now for your father and sisters. And my family."

"I'm sure my family will approve," Evelyn said. "Thought you brothers and my sister, don't seem to get along. I mean Grace and Skyla. Eliana seems alright with them."

"She seems to have gotten a liken to Anibal," Anton said. "To be honest, I would never approve of that."

"Why?" Evelyn asked.

"Anibal is too bossy," Anton said. "He likes taking control. And always want things done his way. He could be mean. Anibal didn't show it when he came here because I told him to behave. But he is mean. He's more like Skyla. He cares little about anyone's feelings and more about the family."

"It's not like they'll get together," Evelyn said. "Eliana tends to like anyone. She even liked you. I'm sure Eliana will find someone suitable for her."

"Your right," Anton smiled. "Let's get some sleep."

Evelyn nods and cuddles up to him. She closes her eyes.

In the morning, they couldn't go outside since it was raining. "What we'll do now?" Evelyn said. "I have to feed them."

"I'll go, you stay here," Anton said.

"No," Evelyn ran out.

"Wait," Anton ran after her. She's so stubborn. Her father was right; she always wants to solve things on her own. The rain was coming down. Anton had no choice but to go along with it.

They went around the farm, feeding them and putting the animals in the barn. Anton stopped and sensed someone nearby. "Go back to the house, we already finished," he said. "I have to check on the fences." Anton kissed her cheek and went back into the pouring rain.

Evelyn listened to him and went back to the house after locking the barn. She made her way to the house. Evelyn grabbed some wood before going in; she will start the fire to keep them warm. It was a bit chilly.

Anton got to the part of the fence that Bob always has to fix. And he saw a man trying to break it. Anton growl loudly enough for the man to hear him. The man looked over and ran. Anton checked the fence; it was still in tack. Bob was right; someone was trying to sabotage him. He follows the man to a horse. There was another man with him; it was Jerry.

"I failed," the man said. "There was someone there; it seems Bob has left someone in charge of his farm. And that man was quick to spot me."

"It must be him, Anton," Jerry said. "Anton has been spending a lot of time at the farm. And Bob is very fond of him. We'll have to try some other time. Let's get out of here."

Anton won't allow them. He went back to the house and found Evelyn near the fireplace. She stood once he walked in. Anton closed the door.

"Let's get you out of those clothes," Evelyn said. She dragged him closer to the fireplace.

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