29: Injured

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Anton sighed. "Kristy has permanent damage on her right side," Patricia said. 

"Does she blame Elvin?" Anton asked.

"No," Patricia smiled. "She said it was her fault. Kristy knew that Elvin could change at any moment. But she didn't think it would happen then. Kristy doesn't blame anyone; she will learn to embrace her scars. Elvin went to see her earlier. They talked and patched things up."

"That's good," Anton smiled. "At least they don't hold grudges. Keep me informed of Kristy; after all, she is family."

"I will," Patricia said and walked out.

Just then, Elvin walked in. "Sorry to walk in. But I need to tell you something. It's urgent. It's a life and death situation."

"Just speak," Anton said.

"It's about that girl, Erica," Elvin said. "I just saw her right now. And I don't like saying this, but she is working with my father."

"What do you mean?" Anton frowned.

"I saw her talking to my father a while ago," Elvin said. "She was there, asking my father for help. From what little I heard, it had to do with you and Evelyn."

"Erica?" Anton slammed his fist on the desk. "She wouldn't dare do anything."

"I think she will," Elvin said. "I think they plan on getting rid of the Kenzie's permanently. But I don't know when."

Anton stood up. "Damn it, that Erica. I knew she was up to something. NOw I know where she disappears off too."

"Phew!" Anibal walked in. "A snowstorm just started. I suggest we all take this opportunity to hunt." He looked at them. "I feel like I walked into an important conversation."

"It's Erica," Anton said. "She's been working with Elvin's father. We can now guess where she disappears off too. Anibal, we need to find Erica before she does something that she will regret."

"Right on it," Anibal said. "I'll send the others to find her. And as soon as we find her, we will bring her to you."

Evelyn ran in. "All the animals are inside; we can now rest and wait for this snowstorm to pass. It is freezing outside."

"Let's all huddle by the fire," Eliana said and sat down. "It's so warm here." Grace sat next to her and scooted closer.

All four sat there huddle together to keep warm, while their father was in the rocking chair reading a book. After an hour, they all headed to bed. They were snuggled in bed, not knowing of the danger leading their way.

It was past midnight when Eliana got up to get some water. She wrapped the blanket around herself as it was cold. She frowned; it shouldn't be this cold; the fire was still going. Maybe someone left a door open. Shaking her head, she grabbed a cup and poured some water; she drank it.

She felt the cold water go down her throat, shivering she set the cup on the table.

But as clumsy as she was, she set the cup at the edge of the table, and it fell, shattering. She sighed and cleaned it up. After it she cleaned up, she heard the horse's acting up. Frowning, she peeked out and saw the barn door open.

Eliana wrapped the blanket tighter around her and went out. The snow crunch underneath her. She's going to end up with a cold. Shaking her head, she reached the barn and peeked it. "Oh, hello, did you bust the door open again, silly cow." She went in and patted the cows head. "It's hot in here, I could sleep here with you all, but my father would yell at me again." She smiled and made sure the back doors where locked. "There, I guess it's always this door. I have told my father to the lock. Now no more busting the door. Be good animals." She was about to go out when the goat gripped her gown. "Hey, let go. Come on; I can't stay here." These animals were acting very strange. "I'll be back in the morning, now sleep." She walked out and closed the barn.

As she made her way back, she notices that the front door was wide open, but how if she went through the back door. Frowning, she rushed over and peeked in. She saw her father and sister tied up. Her father saw her and made eye contact with her. 

"Run!" Her father yelled. Eliana froze for a moment before she heard someone scream.

"Grab her!" It was a male. "I knew there was one missing. Erica go! And kill her before she gets help!"

"Eliana, run!" She snapped out of it and ran, dropping the blanket. But halfway through the woods, she was jumped by something.

"No!" Eliana struggled. "Get off me." She felt pain in her back. "Ouch." It had bitten her. Eliana felt around for something; her hand stopped at a rock. She grabbed it and smacked the person with it. It whimpered and got off her. Eliana got up and ran toward the direction where Anibal lived. Somehow she still remembers the way. She hopes she gets there on time. 

Anibal and Andre were out hunting. "I love winter and snowstorms," Andre said as he held a deer. "Best season to be us. And to hunt. Hey, are you listening?"

"Sorry," Anibal looked around. "I just have this uneasy feeling. I can't concentrate."

"Since you mention it, I do too," Andre said. "But I don't know what it could be."

Anibal sighed and kept walking. "Let's just get home." Andre nod.

As they made their way back, Andre stopped and sniffed the air. "Do you smell that?" Anibal sniff. "It smells like blood. And not the deer's blood."

Anibal frowned and rushed toward the smell. Andre set the deer down and follow behind when they reached the source of the scent. Anibal wanted to kill. "Eliana!" Anibal ran over to the side of the river and pulled her out of the water. "Eliana, open your eyes." She was soaking wet and bloody. He held her to him, using his body heat to warm her up. 

"Take her back to the house!" Andre said and crossed the river. "For all we know, the others could be in danger; this may be Paul attacking them!" 

Anibal didn't have time to answer; Andre left. Anibal picked Eliana up and carried her home. 

"Kristy, you can't see Elvin," Anton said. "He had another shift, just give him time." 

"Fine," Kristy sighed. "I just wanted him to try the cake that I made."

"I'll give him some later," Anton said.

"Please, this way!" Patricia said. Anton frowned; Anibal walked in with Eliana in his arms. "Kristy! Hurry get as many blankets as you can, her body temperature is dropping!" Kristy nod and rushed to get blankets. Anibal carried Eliana to his room and set her down. "Out, everyone!"

 Anibal had to force himself to get out of the room. He slammed his fist against the wall.  "What happened?" Anton asked.

"I found Eliana by the side of the river," Anibal said. "We don't know what happens. Andre went ahead to the farm."

"Paul," Anton growled. "I have to go! Alton!"

Alton walked in, rubbing his head. "Elvin is gone; he rushed out when he heard Evelyn was in trouble. We should get going."

Anton nod and ran out; Alton and Anibal followed behind with a few others. He prays for them to be alive.





Miss SayaChan

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