6: Cousin

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Once Evelyn was inside, Anton left and went toward the river. Where Andre was waiting, just as he told him to do.

"Now then," Anton glared. "What are you doing here? And don't lie to me."

"Why should I answer you?" Andre glared. "You have more problems than me."

"What I do does not concern you," Anton said. "So talk, or else."

"Anibal and Alton wanted me to follow you around and report back," Andre said. "They wanted to know where you went."

"You accepted?" Anton glared. "What did they promise you?"

"To let me into the main house," Andre said.

Anton growled. "Those two, always getting in my way. Always wanted to know what I do." He gripped Andre by his neck. "You won't tell them anything."

"But they will want to know something," Andre gripped to his hand. "They will ask and ask."

"Lie to them," Anton said and let him go. "And I'll let you join the main house."

"I don't care about that anymore, so long as I keep my life," Andre said as he rubs his neck. "My life is worth more, but I take your offer. So what should I tell them?"

"That you follow me to the river," Anton said. "And that I simply laid there sleeping."

"Okay," Andre sighed. "Anton, you are risking your life and ours. And the life of those humans. Be careful; whatever your intentions are, they won't end well. Who are they? Tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone. Not when I know you'll kill me."

Anton sighed. "I saved that man daughter, and they invited me to have dinner with them. It was only supposed to be one time, but I couldn't stay away. They aren't as bad as others. The father is a decent man with four beautiful daughters. He works hard to maintain his land. And he owns half the river."

"I saw you were chatting with one of them," Andre said. "You were very chatty with her. Please don't tell me you have a thing for her. Because that would go against our beliefs."

"There's no rule about it," Anton said. "And if I like her, that isn't your concern. It won't matter anyway. I'm getting married. Though I'm not sure, I want this marriage to happen. I have been giving it second thoughts."

Andre chuckled. "I would have second thoughts too if I was forced to marry Erica. She isn't wife material. Erica is already acting like the leader's wife. Giving us orders. She feels more special and with power."

"I don't even love her," Anton said. "I can't marry someone I don't love. I'll be miserable for that rest of my life. I have to talk to the elders to delay the marriage until I straighten out my priorities. Besides, it'll be cold soon, even though this doesn't affect us. The humans will start to hunt. We can't have a wedding in the middle of all that."

"Do what you want?" Andre said. "But I suggest you don't get that girl hopes up. You'll end up breaking her heart."

Anton nod. "Now, let's go. And remember, this conversation never happened."

"Understood," Andre said.

They both headed back home where Anibal and Alton were waiting. They both looked scared when Anton walked in with Andre.

"Look who I found," Anton smiled. "I bump into him on the way here. I decided to let Andre join the main house. I hope that's alright with you two?" They both nodded. "Well, I'm headed to my room. I am exhausted ."

Anibal waited until he heard the door close. "Well?"

"Did he catch you?" Alton asked.

"No," Andre smiled. "I was headed back here when he appeared. And we just came here together. Don't worry; he missed me."

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