21: Clumsy Eliana

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Evelyn covered her face. "I knew something like this would happen. Eliana, what did you do?"

"It was an accident," Eliana said. "I didn't mean to hit him. I didn't even know Anibal was behind me."

"It's fine," Anibal groaned as he held his nose. Eliana had elbowed him in the face. "It's my fault, she dropped her ribbon, and I knelt to pick it up. That's when she stood up and hit me. Don't blame her."

"I am sorry," she said. "Here, let me look at it."

"No," Anibal shook his head.

"Don't be silly," Eliana huff and moved his hand away from his face and dab her handkerchief against his nose. "There, it's bleeding a little."

Anibal had to control himself from kissing her hands. Her soft, delicate hands. "Thanks."

Anton pulled Evelyn closer. "My brother is looking at her like he wants to ravage her. I need your sister to stick close to Eliana." He whispers.

"You think he will do something to her?" Evelyn asked.

"No," Anton lied, not wanting to worry Evelyn. "But just in case."

"Okay," Evelyn sighed.

"There, here keep it," Eliana said.

Anibal nod and held the handkerchief against his nose. "Thanks again. I'm going to wash it off and change shirts."

Eliana smiled. He needed to get away from her excusing himself; he walked away and headed to the house. 

"Now then," Anton clap his hand. "Should we go and dance." He grabbed Evelyn's hand and twirled her around. "It seems your father and Chiyo have gotten along."

Evelyn looked over and smiled. "Yes, I can see that. It's good for my father to meet someone. To distract himself from all the problems." 

"Indeed," he placed his hands on her waist. "I'll be announcing our marriage soon. So be prepared for it." Evelyn nod and rest her head on his chest. 

Anton stroke her hair. 

"Anton," Dallas and his wife, walked over. "We came to meet your bride to be. And to introduce my new wife."

"Oh," Anton smiled. "Evelyn, this is Dallas, my uncle, and his new wife, Patricia."

"Nice to meet you," Evelyn smiled.

"It's finally good to meet you," Dallas grabbed her hand and kissed it. "You have stolen my nephew's heart."

Evelyn blushed.

"It's nice meeting you," Patrica said. "Anton hasn't been this happy in a long time, and I'm glad to know that his in good hands." Evelyn smiled.

"I believe you meet my youngest daughter, Kristy," Dallas said. "And Erica should be around here, somewhere."

"She's probably at home," Patricia said. "She disapproved of our marriage. She doesn't like me."

"Give her time," Dallas said. "I know she will learn to like you. It's only a matter of time. Besides, we have Kristy; she likes you."

"I know," she smiled. "And you're right; anyway, we will let you two dance. We are going to greet the rest of your family." Evelyn nod.

"They are nice people," Evelyn said. 

"Yes, they are," Anton smiled.

They danced for a while until Anton said it was time to announce their engagement. He got everyone's attention. "I'd like to give my congrats to my uncle and his wife. I wish you all the happiness in the world." Anton said. "Since we are all here, I would like to announced that Evelyn and I are engaged." Everyone clapped and cheered. "I know you all keep asking me to settle down and start a family. Well, I will finally be able to do that because I have found the love of my life, my other half. She is a special woman with many talents. I want you all to welcome her with open arms." 

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