31: Saved, Again

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Evelyn leaned against the wall. She was beginning to feel sick. Evelyn coughed, and blood drip down her mouth. She wiped it and looked out. She couldn't stay awake. 

But someone licking her cheek and woke her up. She panics when she saw a bear looking at her with it's beaded black eyes; it seemed like the same bear from that night. It licked her cheek again. Evelyn pats its head. The bear nudges her; she smiles. "I'm fine, just a little hurt." She winced and cough. She then saw two cubs, so the bear is a she. "You are a good mama." The bear just laid down watching her. 

She then heard growls. Evelyn stood up; it was her. She couldn't stay here and put this bear and her cubs in danger; it wasn't fair. "Goodbye." She stumbles out.

"Found you," Erica laugh and snarled at her. Evelyn looked at her. "Now, you won't get away from me; I'll finish you off once and for all."

Evelyn ran from her, only to get tackled down. She didn't have enough force to fight her off; she was losing this battle. Pain ripple through her body.

Anton could smell blood; lot's of it. He kept running toward the scent. Alton was worry that Anton would lose control again if Evelyn dies. He has to prepare for everything.

When they arrived, Alton had to step back as Anton launched himself at Erica. They rolled away down a hill. Alton has never seen Anton this way. Shaking his head, he went to Evelyn, at least he was when he saw a bear dragging Evelyn into a cave.

He followed the bear in, and when he stepped in, he got growled at by the bear. This mama bear was huddle against Evelyn, a very protective way. "Okay, easy now. I'm only trying to help her." He changed back and slowly approached them. But the bear wasn't letting him. "Okay, I'll stay right here." He sat down. He hopes Evelyn opens her eyes. 

Anton growled. "You are going to die for what you have done!" Anton yelled and bit down on her side, ripping a chunk of her skin. Erica cried out in pain. "I told you if you messed with her or her family that you would pay the consequences. So now die!" He didn't let her go and kept biting her until she wasn't moving. Anton didn't hesitate and went back. 

He found Andre inside the cave. "Are you done, if so. Maybe you can convince mama bear to let Evelyn go. She is not letting me near her."

Anton looked over and frowned. "Huh?" The mama bear growled and stood up. She snarled and blocked Evelyn. Anton remembers this bear. "I know you." He could clearly remember that day. "You were the bear that tried to attack Evelyn unless you weren't. I get it; you were trying to protect her, weren't you?" The bear licked Evelyn's side. "You were protecting her from me? It was her; I saved Evelyn when she was a child."

Evelyn opens her eyes; she could see two figures. "Anton." Anton approached her slowly and knelt.

"I'm here now," Anton held her.

"I think I figure it out," she smiled. "I know what your secret is. You are a Lycan."

Anton gripped her. "Don't talk." He picked her up. The bear just yawned and laid back down. "Don't worry, mama bear; I'll take good care of her." He said and carried her away. "Alton, come along." Alton followed him.

When they made it to the house, Patricia had a room ready for Evelyn, his bedroom, which he didn't mind. Patricia than took over and didn't allow anyone in but Kristy.

"Where's Elvin?" Anibal asked. "He hasn't come back."

"I don't think he will," Andre said. "I believe he was the one who killed Paul."

"I thought you did," Anibal frowned. "Huh, his son finished him off."

"Anyways," Alton sighed. "Um, are you going to tell Dallas that Erica is dead?"

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