19: Marriage Approve

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"We are finally home," Bob sat down on the couch. "Oh boy, what a long three-day journey."

"I hope you found what you needed, father," Evelyn smiled and helped her sister bring in the things.

"Yes, we did," Bob said. "And did everything go well around here?"

"Yes sir," Anton set the sacks of grains next to the pantry. "It rained, and we had to put the animals inside, but other than that. Everything went well." Aside from the fact that he dishonored his daughter more than one time.

"That's great," Bob smiled. "Well, I suppose you may go home now."

"Before I do," Anton sighed. "I was wondering if I can get your permission to marry your daughter."

Eliana squealed. "Say yes, daddy, it would be nice to have a wedding!"

"Eliana," Grace flicked her forehead. "This isn't your decision; it's fathers and Evelyn's."

"Evelyn will say yes," Skyla sat down.

Bob chuckled. "Of course I accept, I already see you as part of this family. It'd be even better if you were my son in law."

"Thank you," Anton smiled. "I promise I'll take care of her, and I'll make her very happy. Now, I should get going. I'll see you soon." He kissed Evelyn's hands. "Remember what we talked about."

"Yes, I'll tell them," Evelyn said and watched him go. 

"What did you two talk about?" Bob asked.

"His uncle is getting marry," Evelyn said. "And he invited us to the wedding. If you all want to go?"

"Of course we can," Bob said. "He will be part of our family. It will be good to meet his family."

"Than it's settle," Evelyn said. "He will tell us when the wedding will be." Evelyn was very excited she will get to meet Anton's whole family. She hopes everyone accepts her.

Anton arrived home to Anibal, yelling at Andre. "Shut up, Andre, and get that orange away from me. I swear I'll kill you."

"Oh, fine," Andre laughed. "You coward, running away from an innocent orange. Oh, look, Anton back."

"What's going on?" He asked and grabbed an orange and peeled it. There where a lot of oranges. "What's up with the oranges?"

"Nothing," Anibal glare. "You reek of her. You did it, didn't you?"

"You can smell it, so why you ask?" Anton ate the orange. "Anything new?"

"Elder Chiyo wants to meet her and her family," Anibal said. "She said to bring them to the wedding."

"I was just about to go ask her about that," Anton said. "I'm happy she's on the same page as me. During my uncle's wedding, I'll announce mine."

"So you are getting married after all," Anibal sighed. "Congratulations, I hope you two live a happy life."

"Thanks," Anton smiled. "Even though you don't mean it. I'd appreciate it."

"Yeah," Anibal sat down.

"By any chance, are the other clans attending the wedding?" Anton asked.

"Yes," Anibal said. "Only the leaders and their family. Why, you ask?"

"I sense one of them near the farm," Anton said. "I do believe they aren't supposed to be near anywhere a human."

"Maybe they didn't know," Anibal said. "We will ask them when they arrive in the next few days."

"Right," he stepped out. "I'll go talk to Chiyo."

"Good luck," Andre said.

Anton nod and walked out and made his way over to the elder's home. The on the way there, he received various looks of disappointment. He stopped and looked over at them. They immediately looked away in fear. He smiled and kept walking.

He knocked and walked into the house. "Elder Chiyo?"

"Anton," Chiyo smiled. "I'm glad your back; I need to talk to you about the wedding."

"Yes, Anibal already told me," Anton kissed her hands. "And I already ask her. She will come, and I sure her family will too."

"This a huge step," Chiyo said. "Into a new era. One where we can coexist with humans. I think your father would've had been very proud of you; this is what he wanted all these years."

"I know," Anton sighed. "I asked her to marry me; she said yes."

"That's wonderful," Chiyo pats his cheek. "From what you have told us, I know she will be a great wife."

"Yes, she will," Anton stretched. "Hey, have you heard of anyone saving a five-year-old from a bear attack?"

"Not that I know off," Chiyo said. "No, none comes to mind. Why?"

"Evelyn told me she got saved by one of us," Anton said. "She said his fur was all black and yellow glowing eyes."

"Anton," Chiyo chuckled. "That sounds like you. Your the only one who has glowing yellow eyes and black fur. Aside from your father, but he had green, glowing eyes."

"Me?" He laughs. "No, I would've had remembered. It couldn't be me."

"You do know there's a time when you went on a rampage," Chiyo said. "When your parents passed away, you went on a rampage and disappeared for days. You came back without memory of what you did."

Anton rubbed his head. "I don't know how, but it could be me."

"By showing her who you are," Chiyo said. "I'm starting to this is fate. It's too much of a coincidence that you saved her twice."

"Huh, that is weird," Anton chuckled. "I guess we are supposed to be together. I can't wait until she becomes my wife."

"This is the first time I saw you this excited," Chiyo said. "And happy, so that you know. I never agreed with the other marriage. Erica isn't very wife's life. She likes to order people around, way too much."

"I know," Anton wrinkles his nose. "I don't like her either."

"Well, it's settled then," Chiyo said. "We will see how everyone reacts to this."

Anton knew some would be angry, but he didn't care. They will have to accept Evelyn and her family. No one can question his decisions, no one.

That afternoon, he sat at the kitchen table, listening to Alton and Andre talk about the wedding. "I guess I'll have to go alone."

"Same here," Andre sighed. "Lucky Anibal, his going with Kristy."

"Really?" Anton looked at Anibal. "I didn't know you liked her.'

"We are just friends," Anibal said. "I'm simply going to accompany her."

"You do know she likes you," Andre said. "So, don't get her hopes up."

"I never did," Anibal said. "There's no reason for her to assume anything. I should've had clarified things, huh?"

"Yup," Andre ate his bread.

Anton shook his head and finished his soup, how he misses Evelyn. But soon they'll be together. He will have to get a ring made for her.

"Anton, are you listening?" Andre glare. "His son in love that his ignoring us."

"Sorry," Anton shook his head. "What were you saying?"

"That we need to go out for a run," Andre said. "My bones are sore; I need a good run and hunt. Of course, we'll stay away from your other family."

Anton glare. "Aha, keep it up, and you'll be sleeping outside." He stood up. "Alright, we'll go tonight."

"Awesome," Andre smiled.

It'll do Anton good to shift; he hasn't been able to do so. Well, he did, but only for a moment. Now he will let free and enjoy the night.

Miss SayaChan

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