10: Change of Plans

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Anibal flipped the table. "That idiot hasn't been home in three days!"

"Calm down," Alton said. "Look, the elders aren't asking for him. So let him be."

"No, he has responsibilities," Anibal said. "Andre, go find him and don't come back until you find him. When you do, drag him back. Tied him up if you have too. But bring him back!"

"Fine," Andre stood up. "It's better than being here with your bad mood."

Andre sighed; he knew where Anton was. No need to drag him here. He will ask him to come home.

When he came upon the river, a girl was there, washing some clothes. She was humming to herself. Andre took a good look; she was one of them, from the farm. The one who spotted him.

Eliana smiled. "The stain finally came out." She stood up, but her clumsiness got the best of her. She tripped over her dress and fell into the water. Eliana squealed as it was cold; she stood up, drenching wet. She heard someone laughing. She turned around and saw someone.

"How can you trip on your dress?" He said. "Honestly, you are the clumsiest woman I have ever met."

She huff and squeezed the water from her dress. "It's not funny." That's when she noticed. "It's you!" She got out of the water and grabbed her basket. "You creep!" She stuck her tongue at him. She walked away.

Andre frowned, creep.

He was no creep. He crossed the river and caught up with her. "I'm not a creep."

"Yes, you are," she said. "If you weren't, you wouldn't be spying on me."

"I wasn't spying," Andre said. "It was just a coincidence that I saw you here."

"And why are you following me?" She glared. "Go away!" She walked faster.

"I'm looking for Anton," he said. "I know he's staying with your family."

Andre didn't know a human female could be so, vicious especially when they feel threatened.

"Oh, why didn't you say so?" She smiled. "See, you men need to speak up." Andre scoff.

"You are good at changing your moods," Andre said.

"Well, Andre, you are good at being a creep," she smiled.

"How did you know my name?" He frowned.

"Anton told us," she said. "My name is Eliana."

"Okay," Andre wonders how much Anton told them.

Evelyn giggled as Anton chased after a baby chick. "Come here." Anton threw himself at it and caught it. "Finally." Evelyn laughed.

"It didn't want to get caught," she said.

"I could tell," he stood and placed it back in its coop.

"Who's that with Eliana?" Grace stood. They all turned to them.

Anton glared. What was he doing here? Anibal must've had sent him to look for him.

"Hey!" Eliana smiled. "Look, I found the creep."

"For the last time, I am not a creep," Andre said through greeted teeth.

"He looks a creep to me," Andre glared at the girl with the brownish eyes. "A creep is always a creep." She was a beauty, but too bad; she had a lousy month.

"Skyla, don't be rude," Evelyn said. "Sorry about my sister. She tends to speak her mind."

"It's fine," Andre said. "Anton, I need to speak with you in private."

Anton sighed. "I'll be back." He kissed Evelyn's hands and followed Andre to where the pigs where. "What do you want? Did Anibal send you?"

"Yes," Andre sighed. "His being way too bossy. And with his bad mood, his twice as bossy. Anton comes back, please. Before Anibal comes out here looking for you. You know damn well that he will find you."

"I can't go back," Anton said.

"Why not?" Andre watched Anton looked at that girl. "Anton, don't tell me that you and her?"

"I fell for her," Anton ran his hand through his hair. "I love her, and I plan on marrying her. With, or without our clan permission."

Andre place this hands-on Anton shoulders. "Anton, you can't marry her. She's a full-blooded human. You are a Lycan." He whispers. "This marriage will not work out. And have you even though about how she and her family will react to your secret? To the fact that you're a Lycan. A Lycan who kills humans."

"I don't kill humans," Anton shook him off. "If I have too, I'll leave the clan, just for her. I'll prove to her father that I am not like the others."

"You can't be serious," Andre shook his head. "I'm telling you, this won't end well if you know what's best for everyone. You should leave this place and go home before something bad happens. If you love her, don't risk her life or that of her family."

Anton glare. His words hit him hard. If he leaves, the clan whoever takes over will want to kill him. And by doing that, Evelyn and her family will be in danger. Aside from that. The rest of the humans will never accept it. What can he do? He truly does love her. He can't imagine his life without her.

"I'm sorry," Anton said. "I'll be marrying her. I'll protect them."

"Damn it, Anton," Andre sighed. There's nothing he can do to convince him.

"And don't you dare tell Anibal," Anton said. "Or anyone else. I'll go back eventually."

"And when do you plan on marrying her?" Andre asked.

"Not sure," Anton smiled. "I'll take my time."

Andre saw that glim in Anton's eyes. He was indeed in love with that human girl. "Alright, I'll tell them I didn't find you. But be ready, Anibal will want to look for you on his own."

"No," Anton said. "I'll go back tomorrow. Just for a while."

"So you'll be going back and forth?" He asked.

"Yes," Anton, sigh. "It would be much easier not to draw any suspicions."

"That's a great idea," Andre said. "Well, I'll head back."

Anton nods and headed back to Evelyn's side. "He's leaving now."

"What did he wanted?" Evelyn asked.

"My brother is worry about me," Anton said. "So I told him to tell him that I'll be going home tomorrow. But don't worry, I'll come back. It just to keep Anibal calm."

"Sounds great," Evelyn smiled.

"Goodbye, creep!" Skyla waved.

"Skyla," Evelyn shook her head. "Eliana, go get changed, you'll catch a cold."

"Oh, right," Eliana smiled.

"How did you get soaked?" Grace asked. "Did you trip again?"

"Maybe," Eliana smiled nervously.

"Clumsy," Skyla crossed her arms.

Evelyn just sighed.

Andre got back to the house and immediately got poured with questions. "Did you find him?"

"No, I didn't," Andre said. Wait, Anton told him he would come back. "At first, but then Anton was climbing down from a tree. Anton told me he would come back tomorrow. So you can relax now."

Anibal sat down. "Great tomorrow. Anything else?"

"Nope," Andre grabbed a grape. "He seems calmer. It seems he finally has his priorities straightened out." Andre didn't even want to imagine what Anibal would do if he ever finds out about Anton's plans.

Andre hopes that Anton knows what he's doing. If he's not careful, things could go downhill very fast.

Miss SayaChan

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