Rescuing The Prince

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Author's Note: Hey guys, Skyy15 here! I am just here to give you another quick update on my health since you all are asking <3 I dont mind sharing it with you! You guys are like family to me, well my Lion King family haha. I am doing MUCH better. I am slowly back to talking, still working on it. I am able to walk around and be more active with my body, even active enough to type you guys some chapters today! :D Im still not eating foods yet, I am currently on a liquid diet. I will be eating soon.

Now, for the book. I think I have 2 more chapters to write and then I will be officially done! After this page I will post another one of my own fan-based Lion King family tree with the official characters and my own. I did post it before, but not in this book. I see a few users are still confused on who is related to who. Dont worry! I do not mind posting them again just to refresh your minds. Sometimes when I make a new character, I often look back at the family tree myself haha.

Thank you all for your time, patience, sweet comments, and votes! I appreciate every last one of you.





Streams of sunlight fell through the thick wall of trees, filling up every space between the leaves with warm, sugary light. The rays tumbled down strands of grass, which gleamed with remains of the morning dew. The sky has ripened from a fresh orange color into a pale blue. Wisps of white clouds stood un-moving. They were so thin, they appeared to be stray brush marks on blue canvas. 

I open my reddish brown eyes with a big yawn. I was up all night thinking of another plan on how to get rid of Heri. I have seem to run out of all my good tricks. I could perhaps use the hyenas again, but they have failed me before with Plan A which was the fire. How can you lose one lion in a fire? Ugh! Those damn hyenas cant do anything right for once. I am laying down underneath a shady tree away from Pride Rock. I decided not to sleep at home. I needed space alone to think. My family and pride can be a distraction. Plus, I dont need anyone to follow or see what I am coming up with. Not even my wife Bahiya should know. If I told her, she would be against me. I need to keep her on my side as my Queen.

"Good morning, Prince Makosa!" A feminine voice greets.

My left ear twitches. I look ahead and see lots of movement coming from the tall grasses. I gave the air a sniff and did not attack. I recognize the scent very well. Its the hyenas, what do they want now?

I roll my eyes with annoyance. "Good morning, may I help you four?"

"We have a morning report!" said Imarisha, the spotted one.

Eshe, the beige one with black stripes nodded her head. "Yes and I think you are going to looooove it too!" She smiles.

My eyes are filled with curiosity as I stand up and lean in close to them. "Go on, I am listening. This better be good to interrupt my quiet time!"

"Siti and I were just minding our own business hunting breakfast of course. We happened to come across your brother with the King and another male lion. They were walking towards the direction of the Out Lands, our home!" Hallah explained, the grey one with black stripes.


"And, Heri ran out on his own while your father and the other lion stayed in the Pride Lands. But before that happened, Heri and your father had got into a small argument. Heri seemed pretty upset about something but we couldn't get close enough to hear why. The point is, Heri is in the Out Lands alone. Alone! Our clan can easily kill him. He's outnumbered! Say, let us do the job for you. It is what you want right Makosa?" said Siti, the brown one with stripes at the lower legs.

I took my paw rubbing my chin while in a deep thought. "Indeed yes, that is what I want. But it is also too easy. I do not want my brother killed just yet. Hold him until I get there. I would like to have a word with him first."

The four hyenas nod their heads and without a word ran back to their home in the Out Lands to inform their clan the message. 

I widely smirk. "Perfect."

Now I dont have to think of another plan. Just as I was about to start walking to the direction of the Out lands...


It is father's call to all pride lions to report home at once. Drats! Its probably about Heri. I have to act this one out as if I do not know whats going on. I rush home to Pride Rock pretending to be in a panic. 

"Whats going on, dad?" I ask, while running halfway up Pride Rock.

My parents are standing at the very top of Pride Rock. The pride lions circle around them. Bahiya steps out of the cavern clueless, but then turned her head to the right seeing me come forward. Her eyes breath-taking hazel colored eyes bright up as she saw me.


She runs up and hug me tight. "I've missed you! Where were you last night?"

"I-I had to clear my head about some things." I lied.

"About what?"

"Um, I-"

Bahiya giggles and gave my nose a lick. "Heh, its okay. You dont need to tell me. Im just glad your home!"

She snuggles her face in my mane. I do have to admit, I've missed her too. Its just so hard to hide everything from her. But I have no choice.

"Attention everyone!" My Uncle Kion yells.

He grab everyone's attention stopping them from their random loud conversations. Father steps up and stands beside him.

"Thank you, Kion." he said.

Uncle Kion nodded before returning back to my mother's left side. I notice her face is full of worry and sadness. Father otherwise looks pissed.

"Heri has run off into the Out Lands. I dont know why, but we need to stop him before he gets himself killed by the hyenas. We are going to need our most strongest lions to come. The elders and pregnant mothers can stay home with the children." He explained.

"I can watch the cubs!" Aunt Haiba offered. She is indeed pregnant.

"Great! Thank you Haiba for your offer. Mothers, leave your cubs with Haiba. I promise you, she will take them in good care until your return!"

The lionesses who are mothers, gave their cubs to Haiba. There weren't many, probably about 5 max. Everyone else who is strong enough to join had stood in a single file line next to mother. She assembled and got everyone ready. Me and Bahiya otherwise just watched until it was time to head off.

"This is crazy!" she said. "There's always a problem."

"Tell me about it..." said another voice.

Its my other Aunt Maha. Auni is walking beside her with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh Auni, are you alright?" Bahiya asked. She pulled her close for a hug.

Auni rested her head on her shoulder. She shrugs, "I-I dont know. I just hope Heri will be alive when we arrive."

Maha rubbed her back and smile. "He will. Heri is very strong, we know that! If he was able to survive all this time and came back home to be with his family again, then we know for sure he's okay. He just needs our help!"

"She's right!"

The three of them nod while I turned away from them with a frown.

We'll see about that this time...

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