1-Someone better than me

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Thank you so much to xVigorous  for taking the time to make me this incredible cover for my book! You guys never fail to amaze me.

Richelle's POV:

"And I still remember my exact thought when you asked me out. I was so fearless back then. I wish I still was." I tell him and I can tell that he's emotionless. We haven't connected properly since he came back from New York. I don't think he really wants to anymore either. It's just all so new and different. He's going off to America more and more and I can't help wondering if he's met someone there. Someone better than me.
"Well, I better get to rehearsal. I'll see you later though?" It's more of a question because I no longer know his schedule. He gives a non-committal reply and once he's gone, I heavily sigh. Why is everything so different? New York clearly changed him.

I'm the first one to arrive at the studio so I warm up a little before dancing off my emotions. I can already hear his voice breaking up with me. He's saying he can't relate to me anymore. That his passion gives him the strength to do this. It's a lot for me to take in, but I understand. I finish my dance as I hear an applause. I didn't even realise Piper, Amy and Emily had come in.As always, no one has anything bad to say. Good.

We're all rehearsing our individual pieces when Emily gives an announcement that she needs to see me in her office. I head in along with Noah and Piper. I don't even look at them. I'm only focused on myself.
"So as you know, Amanda and Giselle are currently on a world tour, but they've got a five day break. During their third day, they will be doing workshops and mentoring. Both of them have been captains before and I think you could learn a lot from them. Noah, as a captain you will especially need to pay attention to any pointers you're given. Girls, you're both my Vice Co-Captains so I've also selected you for this. Don't let me down." Emily tells us that Amanda will be helping Piper and I whilst Giselle teaches Noah her wisdom. The date has been organised for next week, but Emily wanted to give us a heads up. Once finished, we all leave the room and I go back to Lola, pretending nothing ever happened.
"What's up?" She says with knowing eyes. I shrug her off and get back to rehearsal. I really can't do this right now.

"So what's up?" She says again after rehearsal. This time I think I'm ready. I can do this. I can confide in Lola.
"I don't know to be honest." I thought I could do it. I guess it will have to wait. I leave the studio and head to J Troupe practice. I enjoy leading J Troupe because it reminds me of where I came from. The only problem is, I don't think any of these J Troupers know what it's like to want to dance in a particular studio for years. I only got my wish for one year before this whole new studio was invented. I don't think any of these will have to wait that long to be on A Troupe either. They're all much older than we were when I was there. Either way, I still enjoy instructing them.
We finish up and I'm pretty confident in my team. Maybe one day I'll be running the studio and these will be in my A Troupe. Who knows? Although, I'm definitely not ready to stop dancing yet. Even with my injury.

Lola is waiting with a juice when I get downstairs. I sit and thank her. I automatically take my purse out of my bag so I can pay her, but she shakes her head. I guess I'll just keep my money. She asks a third time.
"What's up?" I know I have to tell her now because she won't stop annoying me if I don't.
"It's just--my relationship hasn't been going that well lately. It feels like all he's done since he's got back from New York is avoid conversation with me and avoid me in general." She meaningfully nods. I have no idea what she's going to say.
"Why would he be avoiding you?" I can take that. I haven't really got a reason, but that's how it feels.
"Because...maybe he met someone in New York? I don't know, Lola. I just know he has." She thinks a while. I hate it when she's silent for an extensive time period.
"Maybe you met someone?" She questions. That's odd.
"I haven't met anyone new!" I shout a little bit too loud. I look away from the crowd that's now staring at me.
"That's my point." This girl makes no sense!
"What are you implying?" I outright ask her. I'm getting bored of the small talk.
"That your boyfriend isn't who you want him to be." She smiles innocently.
"Elliot's exactly who I want him to be. Sure, he has a competitive arrogance and sure, most people don't like his attitude, but he's my boyfriend." I wince a little as I describe him because of what I know. She smiles sadly, before stating a fact I wish she wouldn't.
"But he's not Noah."

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