24-I can't be with him.

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Richelle's POV:

We get to rehearsal early, as usual. I warm up with stretches and an easy tumbling pass. Lola watches me as I do several more acro tricks before asking me to teach her them.
"Can you maybe teach me something like that?" I smile at her.
"Lola, I'm happy to teach you some acro, but that took me quite some time to learn. Why don't we start with a simple aerial?" She frowns at me when I remember.
"I can already do that." I laugh. I knew that.
"Well then how about a front aerial?" She shakes her head.
"No. I think I want something before that. I don't know what though." I have the perfect thing.
"What about a back walkover?" She settles for that. We work on strength and conditioning before going into rehearsal. Emily smiles as we walk in.
"Girls! Okay, so Richelle you're coming with me to discuss the five person storyline and Lola you're going with Daniel and West to learn some choreo." She goes back to Studio A.

"I want this to be accurately portrayed, but I need you to be comfortable with it. Take your time to explain what's happened and let me know if you need a minute away from this. Thank you for sharing this though Richelle." Emily says. I love how sensitive she's being about it.
"Okay, so I'm going to start from when he got back from New York. We weren't connecting anymore and I thought maybe it was because we'd both changed. Later I found out he was cheating with some American girl. I'm not really sure what to say about that because I don't really care." She nods, writing everything I said down.
"Okay, so what happened after that?" I pause.
"Well, he tried to ruin my life with Noah, which he succeeded in. And then he came here and threatened me." She looks down before asking a question I wish she wouldn't.
"Had he ever threatened you before? Whilst you were in a relationship or otherwise?" I can't handle this intensity. I try to control my breathing before answering.
"Yes." I continue the conversation once I've collected my thoughts.
"He was dominant. He wanted to...he wanted to go too far. I wasn't ready. But he said it would be worth it." She turns into a protective sister at that moment.
"Richelle, you're underage." I look down. I can't believe I'm telling anyone this, but I need to.
"We didn't go that far. But to me, it was still too far. If you know what I mean. Anyway, the reason I had to oblige was because of what he threatened." She regrets asking when she hears the answer.
"He said he would find a way to torture me. That's not all. He said he'd make Noah's life miserable." She breathes in and I hear her breath getting quicker.
"Why didn't you break up with him right then?" I laugh dryly.
"Because I couldn't. I was afraid so I just stuck it out. That was before he went to America. After, he changed and didn't threaten me again until now. I'm sorry for not telling you." She smiles.
"No, you couldn't. I get it. I don't know what I'd do if a boyfriend did that to me. Luckily, I've got West." I congratulate her and she looks so happy.
"Richelle?" She says as I'm leaving. She's stop writing.
"I'm always here for you." I walk out straight into Noah.
"Noah, hi!" I say, as I move.
"Can I talk to you about something?" The amount of times I'm going to cry today is unreal. Because no matter what Noah says, I have trust issues and I can't control them. I can't be with him, no matter how much I want to.

A/N: This chapters really short but what else do you expect at this point? Also I haven't been working on my book in a while, but my plan of getting it out late October, early November still stands x

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