25-I've lost her

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Noah's POV:

I grab a juice and sit at the table furthest from the door. Even if I want to run away, I can't.
"So how did your chat with Emily go?" I ask her. I can tell it was emotional, by the tears in the corner of her eyes.
"It was okay. I mean it isn't the best thing I've ever spoke about. Probably one of the worst, but I trust her to make it into a beautiful dance. Not that beautiful is the right word for the story." I go for a cheesy line.
"Well I hope this story-" I gesture to her and myself "has a happy ending." She laughs a little.
"Noah, why are you acting weird?" She says after I stay silent for more than fifteen seconds. Time to go for it.
"I have something to tell you. And you can't get mad, but you will." She puts on her best emotionless face.
"Piper and I...kissed." She takes this information in.
"Is it?" I question. It isn't to me.
"We aren't together Noah. Go kiss who you want." She says.
"No. The only person I want to kiss is you. It just happened." She stands and I already know I've lost her.
"If only I could believe that. I'll see you round, Okay." She leaves. I've lost her. I can't believe I've lost her again.

When I get home, I consult my Dad for advice again.
"Dad? I told her and she left. How do I fix this?" He looks at me as if I'm an idiot. Which I probably am.
"Son, I can't tell you that. You have to figure it out on your own." Despite what he's said, I still contradict him.
"Well, I guess I'll go ask Mom then." I walk into the kitchen and help with the cooking when my Mom gives me the best idea possible.
"Mom,I'm staying for dinner, but then I'm really going to have to leave. I'm sorry. I'll try be back by bed, but I can't promise." She laughs at me. It's new, but I accept it.
"If this was anyone but Richelle I'd care. Since it's Richelle, I say go get her!" That's a supportive Mom.

Dinner is amazing as usual. My Mom makes some extra, which she wraps up and tells me to give to Richelle. She knows the situation and is happy to help. I can't say I love anyone more than my parents, but Richelle is up there too.
"Thank you for letting me do this." I say as I kiss my Mom on the cheek. I wave at my parents then leave. I walk to Richelle's house in my jacket. There's a chill in the air that I'm used to, but it still takes me by surprise.

I knock on Richelle's door and Riley opens it.
"Sorry, Richelle isn't here. We're here though." I retreat my first conversation as I walk in.
"Where is she then?" James comes through at that moment.
"She's with my sister. I'm not sure where though." Riley hits him lightly.
"She's at James' house. She told us not to tell you." I laugh. Typical. I turn around, but Riley pulls me back.
"Noah, I don't think you should go. You've already hurt Piper and you're going to hurt Richelle if you aren't careful." Riley whispers.I turn back around.
"Okay. Just, my parents made food for her and I've got something too. I was really hoping to give it to her in person though." James pipes up.
"The food or the present." Riley proceeds to hit him again.
"What? It could be the food. His Mom makes some good stuff." It's true. She does.
"The present. But I can wait." I sit down.They look at each other and then frown. Riley is the one to break the news.
"Richelle's sleeping at James' house tonight. We're going home in a few minutes as well, but she had a feeling you'd come over." Well, she wasn't wrong.
"Bye then." I say as I run out. I carry on running until I'm home where I collapse in a pool of tears.
"Honey! What happened?" My Mom shouts. I cry harder at that and frustration gets the better of me.
"I don't want to be here anymore!" I scream as things escalate and the house goes silent. All of a sudden, I'm embraced in a tight hug.
"Son, you're going to bed. We'll see how you feel tomorrow, but you aren't well right now. Your mental health is important and if you aren't in a good place, you can't dance." My Dad lectures. I almost kick him.
"Noah, your father's right. We have to sort this out. If you're having these thoughts, who knows what you could do?" I cry even more. Maybe I do need help. That doesn't get me Richelle back though.

A/N: Mental Health is something very important to me and I wanted to share this message in this book.

Anyway only 5 more chapters to go. Do you think Richelle and Noah will finally get together and stay together? Or will a sequel be necessary for that to happen?

Find out soon.

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