8-I can't live without her

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Noah's POV:

Emily takes me into her office. She caught me crying in the hallway, repeatedly punching a wall. She's definitely going to lecture me about respecting the environment and all that usual garbage.

"What are we going to do with you?" She states, before doing some filing. In that time, I manage to calm down.
"I think I know what this is about. Early this morning, I received a letter. I didn't know what it was at the time, but as it was handwritten quite neatly, I could tell it must be from a student or former student." She pauses. I catch on.
"It was the latter. Elliot, or William Elliot, his official title, has sent a message. He says he believes that three accountable boys hit him. He recognised one of them as you." I deeply inhale.
"He sent a letter?" I question, mostly to be sure of what she's saying.
"Yes. Noah, he did. Now I don't know what exactly was going through your mind when you decided to do this, but if I don't take action, he says he will sue." This isn't right.
"What do you mean? He can't sue you for what I did!"
"So you admit to hitting Elliot and causing him bodily harm." I could've said anything. Instead, I told the truth.
"Yes. Yes I did, but you have to know why." She slams her papers down.
"Why doesn't matter, Noah! I can't have you on my team if you're going to be a physical threat to the outside world. I could get sued because of you! TNS could be sued! Don't you realise what I have to do if I want to survive this crazy mess?" She's quietly sniffling, as if a tear will fall any moment.
"No! You can't! I will do anything to save myself here!" Why am I saying these things?
"Okay." She reasons. "Tell me who was with you." I bow my head. I know I have to be honest,but I need to protect them. If anyone finds out, they'll both be fired and probably never get jobs again.
"There was only me." Emily isn't convinced. She tries another strategy, but ultimately she wins. I leave the studio, probably never to return.

Richelle means everything to me. I've lost her, I've lost A Troupe, I've lost my home. My parents are deathly ashamed of me for everything I've done and I just want to prove them wrong. It's my dream to prove them wrong. Yet it won't happen. I'll never be a world class ballet boy for the company. I'll never even step foot on stage again. I need to escape. I have to escape. Richelle means everything to me, but I ruined it all.

I think about what Emily said. She got a letter? What if she told Richelle first about it? No, she couldn't have. It's only midday and Richelle hasn't been in her office except for when she was getting her costume. I doubt they had time to talk then. Unless they did.

I run to James. He would know what to do. He opens up the door before beginning the match of voices.
"What the hell man!? What were you thinking when you lied to Emily? She's gonna find out who was there sooner or later. You should've been honest." Clearly, he knows my life story.
"Who told you?" My voice has gone deeper than ever before and I swear I almost see him shiver.
"Riley. She asked me if I knew anything about it. Emily wanted to know." He bluntly states. Please tell me he lied. I pray.
"I told her everything. About why you did it and why we were there. The band already know, my manager is cool with me, but you are to never come near me again. If they find out you're here, I'm out." This doesn't make any sense. James was literally just talking. Taunting him.
"West is temporarily suspended from choreographing your pieces. You are out of your mind. You can leave now." He opens the door and I make sure he knows how I feel by using some cursory words.

I'm trying to find loopholes around this situation,but their is none. Emily asked Riley who asked James about it. I need to apologise to her. It's the least I can do. As for Richelle, I'll save that apology for later. I'm sure she won't miss me, but I'll just have to make her. I can't live without her.

To my surprise, Emily agrees that what I did to protect Richelle is admirable, however she still has to put me on suspension. She suggested that I take normal classes for now until this situation is sorted out. Emily also accepts my apology and understands my situation. It's almost as if she's fighting for me as much as I'm fighting for Richelle. Maybe she is.

At home, I reflect on what I've done. Alone. I'm now aware that lying about who I was with wasn't a good option. It was already affirmed that there were three of us. Elliot knew that. But why did he only know that one of them was me? Couldn't he recognise the voices? At that moment, I realise I've been set up. Elliot wants to destroy TNS. And, so far, it's working.

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