27-This is me

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Richelle's POV:

After my talk with Piper, I know I want to be with Noah. Whether or not we argue doesn't matter to me, I'm not scared anymore. I just want to be with him. Because I love him. And he loves me. Which is rare for me, but very true.

I update Lola on this news as we stretch before rehearsal. I'm not overly early this morning so I don't have time to teach Lola any new acro. She is making progress though.
"I'm happy you finally realised this." She says as I look eagerly at the door. As soon as Noah comes in, I want to be the one to speak to him. He never comes though.

"Okay everybody so unfortunately Noah is not here today, but he hopefully will be back tomorrow. We're going to continue on as normal so split up now." I hug Lola as she leaves.
"Obviously, Noah is going to be a big part of this dance. However, I have worked it out and I've decided that Noah is going to be essentially Elliot in this dance. Is everybody okay with that?" Emily says as she looks directly at me. I put my best face on. I was hoping to work with him, not against him, but whatever works.
"Let's get started then." She claps her hands and organises us.
"At this point, you are fighting back. All four of you will be stage right doing the same choreography whilst Noah is over there doing a solo section." I doubt Noah knows all this yet.

We finish up for a break as Piper approaches me.
"Hey, you heard from Noah? James told me he stopped by last night." I sigh. I wish I would've been there. Now I feel like I've ruined everything.
"No. I'm really worried about him. I was going to tell him today as well." Call me self-obsessed, but I think what I was going to say was very important.
"Well, I'm sure he's okay. Maybe just caught a cold from the chill last night." I love her reassurance, but something tells me it's more serious than that.
"Maybe." We go to the locker room and get our water. The break flies by and soon enough we're dancing again.
"Okay. I need you to really feel it this time. Richelle, good job, but I'm not seeing it in the rest of your faces." I notice Ozzy wink at me when I'm complimented. I giggle at him. He's such a child. I used to be like him though, so I'm not complaining.
"Good!" Emily shouts as Amy and I tumble together. Piper and Ozzy do their duet section as Amy and I join in. This dance looks and feels so good. Which is wrong because it shouldn't. It should remind me of all the things that Elliot did and fire me up, but instead I'm smiling a little bit. This is me overcoming everything. This is me overcoming my parents rejection, Noah's and my fight, everything.

Emily squeals in delight after we perform the ending section.
"Okay, so we'll polish that later, but right now I want Piper and Ozzy to work on your duet, Amy to work on the tumble pass then connecting to the duet section and Richelle, you're going to work on a solo section." I clap in delight.
"Basically, my vision is that during the slow section, everyone will freeze. You will then jete over here and do some acro, floor movements, get up, maybe a fankick or something here and then run into a lift with these guys. At this point, Noah is going to be at the back corner. He's going to be still bold at this point so work with that." I start to choreograph a solo when Daniel comes in to help. West is still with the others and Emily goes to check on them. Who are we kidding though? She's probably gone to see West.
"Okay, Richelle, so I want to see you in this solo. I want to see raw emotion that we wouldn't usually see in your dancing." I try to apply everything he's saying right away, but I assume it comes with time. Because right now I'm really not feeling this emotion and I have no idea why.

A/N: So I've been on holiday which is why I haven't uploaded.

I can't believe the amount of support I've received. Thank you guys.

And I can't believe it's almost done. The book is almost complete xx

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