15-Richelle deserves the world

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Noah's POV:

I've got everything set up. I just hope and pray that Richelle loves it as much as I do.
"Noah. Your focus is slipping again, please focus!" Daniel shouts. He's been doing that a lot lately. Even more so since West and Emily jetted off to various places. West is apparently in London for the weekend. Emily is apparently at a conference of some sort, but I still believe they're celebrating their relationship in Verona or New York. Somewhere abroad.
"Better." Daniel says. Now I know what I have to do. Just watch Richelle for timing.

We finish up rehearsal and I'm so excited for what I have planned. Richelle deserves the world. I have to be the one to give it to her.
"Everything is set up,Noah. I'm sure she'll love it." Lola says.
"Thanks. I'm off to James' to get ready and I think Riley is either helping me or leaving to help Richelle. I can't really remember." I sheepishly say. I couldn't really focus when she told me.
"She's helping Richelle." Lola states. Clearly, Lola knows everything.

"So my bro, my first date with Riley was at the studio. I catered for an all around the world theme. And by I, I mean I paid for it all." James tells me. He's distracting me a little as I awkwardly fumble with my tie.
"Then we started our relationship, the first time, and the rest is history. Although if anyone asks, I did not kiss Beth! She kissed me." He then looks over at me, before physically doing the tie for me because I'm incapable.
"Thanks. So why exactly are you telling me this?" I ask. I can't help but wonder.
"Because I have the same hopes for you and Richelle. I may not speak to Richelle everyday anymore, but we're still really close. And if there's anything I've noticed about her it's that she's happiest around you." He reasons. I don't believe him, but I am flattered. Then he ruins the sweet moment.
"Except for when you dated that girl and she had a crush on you. The first girl? Yeah, she hated being near you then." I regret my life. Not the parts with Richelle, but without her. I regret that.
"Are you ready to go do this?" James asks. I check myself in the mirror one last time. I'm in a pinky salmon shirt and a small black tie. I know Richelle will appreciate the effort. I'm also wearing jeans, which is a more casual choice. Exactly what I'm looking for. Fancy casual, as Richelle would call it.

I hop in the car and James drives me to her house. I can't wait for her to see her perfect first date come to life. She doesn't know it yet, but it is. James is giving me a pep-talk. As Richelle's parents are still out of town, Riley and him have offered to be her adopted parents for the night. I'm grateful. I don't know if they'll be as care free as her parents, but I know I can count on them. Lola has offered to take the pictures for us and even hooked us up with a brand new camera. That's so we can memories for this date and hopefully dates to come. Lola doesn't want to be with us because quote on quote 'I don't want to watch you two make out. You can capture that on your camera instead.' I'm starting to see why she's such a good best friend to Lola.

I knock on the door. Riley opens it a slight bit then squeals. James goes in front of me and kisses his girlfriend. Ah, they're practically married!
"Are you ready to witness a walking Angel?" Riley whispers.
As if on cue, Richelle walks down the stairs in the most beautiful ball-gown type dress. Her hair is loosely curled and her makeup is stunning. Being a dancer, I know a thing or two about those kind of things. I breathe in. She blushes, giggling slightly. Lola looks at her in admiration.
"Pictures!" She shouts, as if she's a professional.

After several poses for pictures, we are given the parental speech by Jiley. I look at her and grin once more. She really is breathtaking.
"Lets go. We're going to walk, but don't worry, it's just around the corner." Her face lights up. Just around the corner is a beautiful castle filled with the largest rooms anyone can imagine. Inside, there's a ballroom and just next to that is a slightly smaller dining room. It's like something out of The Sound Of Music. It's simply the best place to be. I can't wait to get there.

A/N: I don't know much about Toronto, but I decided that for this section they are near this amazing beautiful castle. It will honestly make sense when you read the next chapter, which I cannot wait for! Xx

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