10- You were the only one

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Noah's POV:

I walk out, leaving Richelle to comprehend everything. She's got such a beautiful heart, but it's fragile. Elliot did that to her. Her parents did that to her. I did that to her. I dated nearly every girl on the team just to avoid her feelings. I was such an idiot because I didn't want to risk our friendship. Now, I've lost her love and I can't do anything about it.

I find Lola and tell her everything that happened so that she can go and find Richelle. I know that Richelle will hate me for eavesdropping on her private thoughts and I can't cross her path again straight away. She'll be fine though. Especially with Lola to help her.
"Tell her I mean what I said. But tell her it's okay. And tell her she can love someone else, that it isn't a crime. That she isn't attached to the same people that left her as much as she think she is." I ramble on.
"Noah! I heard you the 1st time you told me, it's now the 75th time you told me."
"You we're counting?" She rolls her eyes and leaves. I guess not.

I apologise to West, Emily and Daniel when I see them. Daniel doesn't care much for my presence, pinning up posters and advertisements wherever we go. Emily suggests she is thankful for my honesty and wishes I could be dancing again. West is silent. It's the only time I've ever seen his eyes so restless and shadowed. He's really hurting.
"West, here, is not exactly ready for this right now. He's still suspended and shouldn't really be in the building, but I couldn't resist having an extra helping hand." She smiles at him. He grins towards me. They're so in love. I think. They haven't actually confirmed it, but as a (currently suspended) A Trouper I believe this statement. In addition to it being actions like this that make us believe, Richelle was the first one to notice it. That is everything to me.

West steadily moves a little and braces himself. Then he begins and I instantly know there's no way of me fixing this.
"Noah, look I'm sorry. But I can't accept this right now. Maybe when I'm allowed to express my creativity again I'll reconsider, but you have really hurt my craft. Some people refuse to even acknowledge me anymore. Including your little girlfriend." I wince. We haven't actually confirmed anything yet.
"And I can't sit back and pretend I'm okay because I'm not. In me being dragged into this, I've risked my whole career. That's something I probably won't get back, you know." His speech is so calm, but his manner is not. I don't know how exactly I can fix this, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Including going back to Elliot.

I approach his house and I try to act as calm as possible. I knock twice and prepare myself for a door slam. It doesn't come. He opens the door and stands there silently. Maybe he's awaiting an apology,I don't know, but whatever it is, it's putting me on edge. Also, I've now realised who Elliot reminds me of. Daniel. They both look like real ballet guys. I could be offensive, but I'm not like that.
"Hi, Elliot. I'm not asking to come in, I just need to know something." He nods, expectantly. He really is waiting for an apology. The dumb idiot got me suspended-almost excluded- and he wants an apology?!
"Why did you identify me and neither of the others?" I'm starting of a little smaller than I'd like, but I have to build it up.
"Because you were the only one I knew I could correctly identify." I have to shoot in a response.
"You didn't recognise the other guys' voices? You didn't recognise them, but you recognised me?" I question.
"Yes. You're correct." Now, I'm angry.
"You only wanted a reason to get me off the team. You don't like me near Richelle, you don't like my dance style- because I'm better than you. You don't like anything about me. How can I believe that you didn't recognise either of the others?" I'm almost shouting at the end. His posture has changed, like the atmosphere.
"I'm not going to lie, its a beautiful thing to have you through with TNS and away from my ex, but clearly that won't happen. And I don't really care anymore about Richelle so go for it. She's all yours. I've got a new love in NYC and I'm going back there to her in a few weeks." He's telling me his life story that I don't need. I know he cheated on Richelle, but if I want my place back I have to stay strong.
"I'm going to go back to TNS and I'm going to dance. And you're going to say we've worked out our issues. Yes?" I'm scaring him so he agrees.
"And one more thing, you will inform James' manager that he didn't do anything and get West's name back clean. He doesn't need this kind of crap." He nods and I walk away. I hear the door slam and I can't wait to go back to the studio because I know I'll be dancing again. And I know I don't have to worry about Elliot anymore.

A/N: So in case you guys are wondering why my schedule on uploading is so mismatched at the moment, it's because I'm working a big project that I'm really excited to tell you guys about when it's the right time.

I'm also working on a couple of other small projects for after You're My Person is finished being edited and uploaded. So I hope you guys can understand why my times of uploading are raging from a couple of days to a couple of a weeks.

Thank you all so much for reading and for the continued support, and as always I'll see you in my next chapter.

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