28-That makes no sense

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Noah's POV:

I'm refreshed and ready to go back to the studio after a day off. I feel better than ever. I had a long sleep last night, something that hasn't happened lately. I woke up way after I should've done, but it didn't matter. My parents made me the best breakfast possible. Pancakes. Then we went for a morning walk. We got lunch out and I went to see a therapist a little after that. I got everything out that I needed to say and now I physically feel less weight. Even better than that, I get to go back to TNS  today.

"Noah! So happy to see you back. Are you feeling better now?" Emily asks as soon as she sees me. I grin at her and tell her that I am.
"Good. Well, you've got a lot to do. A lot to catch up on so let's go." I get to stretching and warming up when I hear a familiar voice. Let's be honest, they're all familiar, but I think she's more familiar than anyone else.
"Noah! So happy to see you! You're going to be so good in the five person dance." I smile at Richelle's enthusiasm.
"Okay, what's up with you today?" She smiles, dreamily.
"I'm just so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see everyone today. I just feel so happy." Something is up. This is not the Richelle I know and love.
"Richelle, what's going on?" I ask. Then she throws down a whole statement. Something I never expected.
"I'm in love with you." She looks so hopeful. Clearly I take too long to reply because her face falls.
"Okay. I get it. I'll just go." I throw my hand out.
"No, Richelle wait." But she's already gone. I need to fix this.

The whole day seems awkward and all over the place. I can't wait to get out of there.
"Okay, rehearsal's over for today. Good work, Noah." Emily says. I rush out. I have to get to Richelle's house before she does.
"Noah! I was hoping I would catch you." Ozzy says. I grab my bag and run, offering him only a reply of 'sorry, Ozzy, gotta run.'

I pick up what I need and let my parents know what I'm doing before going out again. I remember to write my note as I get to her house. Thankfully, I beat her.
I write my letter and post it. I just hope she gets the message. I need her to know.

I open the door to a beautiful smell when I find out my Mom is making cookies. That makes no sense. The only time my Mom ever makes cookies is when Richelle comes over. Then it connects.
"Is she coming?" I ask, somehow hopeful despite everything.
"I invited her, yes. Whether she comes is up to her." At that moment, a knock sounds. I already know who it is. Still, my Dad answers.
"Hi, Richelle! So nice to see you after all this time. I can't believe we missed you before vacation." My Dad says, referring to the vacation he and my Mom have just been on. Something about connecting again and renewal of trust. I don't know.
"You've grown again, love." My Dad says, out of politeness. She rolls her eyes and jokes.
"I don't think I'll ever grow. I'm the size of a baby. Height wise." My Dad laughs and I love seeing her with him. It brings out the best in both of them.
"Do I smell cookies?" She says after properly walking in.
"Only for you. I'll take your bag." I say as she blushes. I take her bag to the small coat and bag room that we have and run back before I miss all the jokes.
"And then I said, you know what? I want cookies." Richelle laughs. My Dad chuckles with her and I remember exactly the first time they met. This is how I won her over to be my friend. This is how I'm going to win her over to be my girlfriend. Even if it means enlisting the help of my parents. I'll do it all. Just to be with her. I need this. She needs this. And if it means I get cookies along the way, I'm not complaining about it.

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