6-There's no going back

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Noah's POV:

I got a message from Richelle asking me to go around to her house and bring food. She also asked for ice cream so I knew something was up. I left as soon as I got there really. I couldn't stand seeing her upset and I wanted Elliot to know that.

I don't know what took over me, but I got the boys to back me up. Thank goodness James and West agreed to help me. Ozzy also wanted to come, but I thought it might be a bit dangerous for him.

We got to the door and I knocked. He answered, shutting his phone off and I spoke.
"Hello Elliot." He sunk back into his house, but James pushed the door wide open. We walked in.
"You are not going to do that again." West remarked. James began circling him.
"Richelle is like a sister to me. You hurt her and you're going to pay." James' look in his eye was simply destroying.

After we'd finished talking with Elliot, we headed off for the night. There was no way I was leaving Richelle alone though.
I rang the doorbell, she instantly answered and hugged me.
"Noah. You don't have to do this. I know you can be asleep at home in ten minutes if you'd rather be. Please Noah?" I simply nod. I'm not sure if she's asking me to leave or not, but either way I step in the house and make myself comfortable.

We have movie night where I lay there thinking as Richelle peacefully sleeps on the couch. Once the movies over, I sort everything out before carrying Richelle up to bed. Just when I think I've done it without waking her up, she starts opening her eyes.
"Morning?" She asks. I tell her that the movie has finished and that she needed her bed so I took her there. She smiles before asking me to stay. I put a blanket down, but she wants a hug. After the night she's had, I can see why.

"Why am I not good enough for you?" She says. I'm so confused.
"Richelle, I don't think you're awake." I simply state. I have no idea what to say.
"I am. I just want to know why I'm not enough. First my parents leave me all the time and now you don't like me either. I really wish I could just go back to simpler times. You know, when there was me and you and a whole lot of love.  Now all I get is the occasional hug from Lola." I'm literally hugging her right now.
"Noah? What?" I repeat myself.
"No. I won't let you do this to yourself. You don't get to decide who loves you or doesn't. You don't get to decide that I don't love you. Because I do. And you should know that. Look at me." She turns to face me and I instantly connect our lips. She can't back away now. There's no going back.

We finish kissing a while later and she goes back to sleep. I lay smiling to myself before drifting off to sleep. Now we've got everything we want. We have each other and a whole lot of love. As for her parents, she will eventually see them. Until she does, I'll be the one distraction she needs.

She looks at me, her eyes light up.
"You did this for me?" I nod. From the outside view, I have no idea what I've done. Either way, she's happy.

I fade out from my dream and realise that Richelle is still there. She hasn't left me yet.

"Yes. Noah, I thought you'd never ask." Neither did I. She doesn't look as happy in this part of the story. Her eyes are darker than usual and no one is nearby. She always told me that she wanted her family to witness this. I wish they could've.

I know exactly how to make her happy. I want to scream to dream Noah. But of course, my dream is still going.

"I'm really sorry, Noah. But I can't do this anymore." Her eyes are watering. Mine are too?
"No. Richelle. You've got to stay." She shakes her head. I can't believe I'm losing her again.
"I can't. Don't you get it? You broke my heart once. I can't let you do that again." I'm begging now.
"I won't! I'm sorry about the engagement present I didn't get, but I can assure you that I will make it up to you. They wouldn't miss our wedding." Okay, I'm fifteen for goodness sake, why are we talking about marriage?
"Oh, but they would. That's exactly why I can't be with you. Because you don't know that about them." She walks away from me. I don't know why, but I don't run after her. I just let her go. I might never see her again.

By the time I wake up, Richelle is out of bed already and I believe she's gone forever. When she comes back, I kiss her as passionately as I can. She smiles, but then leaves saying that I need to get ready.
"We've got dance in a half hour."

A/N: In case you're wondering, adding this dream section helps me to visualise how Noah is approaching everything. I don't know if you'll agree with that or not, but that's why I did it.

Anyway, sorry I haven't updated in like weeks. I am trying! See you soon! Xx

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