23-I'm in love with Richelle

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Noah's POV:

"Noah! Open up! I bring good news!" Piper shouts. I reluctantly agree as I stand, knowing I have to talk to her.
"Yes?" I say once the door is open.
"Elliot's gone. Just as you wished. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but I trust Amy and Richelle and when they say somethings up, I fix it." She's already a better Captain than I ever was.
"Okay. How much do you know?" I ask. I have to know.
"I just know that Richelle explained to Emily that she's frightened of him because of what he did, but I have no idea what that was. Amy was there too apparently and I think they're explaining that now." I listen to her words as I feel my phone vibrate. She checks hers at the same time and squeals in excitement.
"Emily and West together! I knew it!" I laugh. I've known this for so long that it finally feels like a weights been lifted.
"Besides the point. So anyway, now that Elliot is gone, Emily wants to see you to discuss your absence." My Dad walks into the room and I tense up a little.
"When?" I ask.
"Now." I look at her in despair. I already told my parents I'd be home for dinner tonight. They don't expect me to leave now.
"Go son. But be back by dinner." I smile at my Dad before going outside with Piper.

"Can we talk?" Piper asks. I wish I didn't nod, but I do.
"I know that kiss didn't mean anything, Noah. I know you're in love with Richelle, but I just need you to know that I felt it. Even if you didn't, I felt the connection." Part of me wishes to scream and run back to my house, but I know I have to face this.
"Piper, I'm in love with Richelle. Maybe she isn't exactly aware of that right now, but I can't lie to you. I'll still be a friend and a good one as well, like we usually are, but I can't start something with you. I'm sorry." She sighs, but accepts it.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm just some other girl to you. I know." I sigh at her this time. I don't want her to think that I don't care. I do, but it's complicated.

We stay in silence all the way to the studio, which seems so much louder than I expected.
"Noah! My buddy!" Ozzy says. I laugh a little as I head up to the office.
"Hi Noah. How are you?" Amy asks as Piper runs out with her. I guess I won't be seeing them in a while then.

As I walk in to the studio, I observe Richelle dancing a solo. Once upon a time, that was a duet between us and I take my cue to join in. I follow her lead and soon enough we're back to the way we used to be before everything happened. She lays there, breathless at the end and I finish up in my ending position. She then sits up and speaks first, which is so uncharacteristic of her that it means a lot to me.
"I heard you might be coming back." That's all she says, but it means a lot.
"If Emily lets me, then yes I will return. Only if you're okay with that?" I know I've hurt her and I can't take that back so I know I have to ask.
"Noah! Are you kidding? With you gone, who would I do duets with?" Well, now I'm confused.
"I thought you were mad?" She smiles a little.
"I was. I couldn't stand the idea of you being gone, but it lead to better things." I'm still confused.
"Like what? It just lead to you and your ex being together again, didn't it?" Her face changes and I know I've hit a nerve.
"I didn't mean it like that-I just meant." I try, but she interrupts.
"No. It's okay. Noah, he threatened me. He said—he said he'd get me cut from the team. It wasn't the worst threat in the world, but it shook me up." I take her hand.
"But Noah?" She looks at me with sad eyes.
"Yes?" I say. I'm hoping she stood up to him.
"That wasn't the first time he threatened me." I'm boiling with anger when Emily comes in.
"Noah? Can I see you now?" I nod, but all I want to do is find whoever is responsible for hurting Richelle-whether it be her parents or Elliot or anyone in the entire world-and tell them how much I hate what they're doing.

"If that's okay with you, we'll get started with the routine right away." Already, Emily has faith in me.
"Yes. Thank you." She writes something down then smiles at me.
"Noah, thank you for coming back. You know it means a lot to me." I grin as her face turns serious as she remembers something.
"Noah, I know your history with Richelle. I know what Elliot has done to her has hurt her deeply and I know you'll want to react, but let that show in your dance. Don't do anything stupid. You're free to go." I stand up and thank Emily one more time before going back home. I only have one more thing I really need to do.
Tell Richelle about the kiss with Piper. Definitely the hardest thing to do ever for me. But I'm going to try.

A/N: So in the next chapter, we delve into Richelle and Elliot's history and I just wanted to give a heads up that it may be difficult for some readers to read. If you are a youngling, please be aware of this. Thanks.

Also guys! Thank you so much for 3K. I know I'm not the most regular uploader anymore but I'm trying for you guys! And I can't believe you've all got me to 3K! Thank you to every single one of you!

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