29-He's my favourite

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Richelle's POV:

When Noah's parents invited me over for dinner, I knew I couldn't resist going. No matter how much pain Noah caused me, I needed to go. Just to be in that house again. Where everything is simple. That was exactly what I needed.

I got there and exchanged jokes with Noah's Dad. He is honestly one of the most fun-loving, serious people I know. I really don't get how he pulls it off. He can go from stand-up comedy to some kind of therapist in minutes. He's my favourite.
Although, when I got in, I was warmed with beautiful cookies by Noah's Mom. They're honestly the best things I've ever tasted and they remind me of my childhood. Well, the good parts of it.

It eventually got so late that I had to go home. I wanted to stay, but I knew that I couldn't. I couldn't let my house be empty. Obviously, Noah insisted that he walked with me because he's Noah. I really love him for that though.
"So what's up? What are you thinking about right this second?" He says, already back to the Noah I've missed for so long.
"Right now, I'm thinking about a far away place with beautiful sights and beautiful people."
"Am I there?" He asks. No point in lying.
"You've always been in my happy place. Along with your parents and their cookies." I say because I can't resist.
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He smiles.
"I did. I really did. However, something is still bugging me." I have to let my guard down a little bit. I keep reminding myself.
"What?" He looks at me with a serious expression.
"Why didn't you reply when I told you I loved you?" He frowns at me as we reach my house.
"Well, this is you." Okay, now he's just blanking me. That's rude.
"Okay? Noah?" He looks at me.
"Sorry." That's all he says before he leaves. I take my keys and jam them into the door, already done with his attitude.

As I open the door, I almost stand on a small envelope. I pick it up and I already know that's Noah's writing. I shut the door and lock it and head over to the couch. As I open the envelope, I realise it's a picture of us. One of my favourite pictures of us. I smile at the fond memories and check the back for any extra information. When I read it, it's the best thing he possibly could've wrote.
You're my person.
I love you too.
Then I find a letter inside the envelope as well.
I know you wanted a permanent room with all the pictures of us so that we could always be near each other. But I thought I'd do you one better. In this envelope is my favourite picture of us and a little message. So if you ever need reassurance that I love you, it's always there. And I'm always there when you need as well. You're my person, Richelle.
Forever and always,
Noah x.

That is the most beautiful thing I have ever read in my entire life and it was so worth the wait. I only wonder one thing. When did he have time to post that?
I take out my phone to text him, but I decide it's better that I wait until I see him in person to let him know how I feel. It'll make it more special.

A/N: The updates are gonna be a little bit slow right now because we're literally at the end and I don't want it to end so I'm kinda a bit upset.

However I also have prepared some other projects for after this.

Therefore...I will see you again next time xx

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