26-The idea of love

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Piper's POV:

When Richelle heard about Noah and I, I hoped she'd come to me. I want to explain-from my perspective- what happened to her. Even if it isn't what I want, I know Noah needs her.

She comes into my room and sits in the beanbag chair in the corner. I take a seat in the parallel one to hers. I thank her for meeting with me. She smiles as she tells me she sent Riley and James to her house, in case Noah calls in.
"Look, I know that you're hurting because of everything going on, but you have to believe me when I say Noah is in love with you." She shakes her head.
"I do believe it. And that scares me. Even though you and him kissed, I believe he loves me." Finally, she's catching on. She continues when I don't reply.
"If he didn't, he wouldn't have told me about you and him." I smile. She really does get love.
"Okay. I agree, but my only problem is that you aren't back with him." I say. She turns her head slightly as she tells me why. Hearing the reason is a little frustrating, but I can accept it.
"Well, despite all that, I know you can trust Noah." I tell her. She smiles at me.
"Yes, I do trust him, but I can't be with him. I can't ruin everything to be with him." I let her reason with me, but I still have to tell her my concern.
"But Richelle?" She looks at me.
"You're hurting him and yourself by not having a relationship." She stands and brushes herself off.
"Well thanks for having me, but I think I'm going to head home now." As she says that, my Mom shouts up to let us know dinner is ready.

"Thank you for having me, Piper." Richelle says after dinner. My Mom then proceeds to bring dessert in.
"I really like it here." She says as she looks around. All around us are various pictures of my family. There's one of me at The Next Step for the first time, one of James at The Next Step for the first time, one of us together there and then one of him and Riley in Miami. Actually, there's quite a few Miami pictures hung up. I've just never really looked around too much before.
"Thank you so much!" Richelle says as my Mom puts a plate with a hot brownie on it in front of her. I laugh at her excitement and eat up mine.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I'm just really freaked about the idea of love and the idea of someone loving me. I don't really experience that much." I don't know how to react.
"Well, we're always here. And Noah is always there for you as well." I need to get through to her.
"I know, but it's different now." I need to know why.
"Richelle, when you and Noah were together the first time, you seemed so fearless and happy. What happened to all that?" She lets a tear fall.
"We had an argument. And it broke me." I sigh. I know how that feels.
"Well only one person can fix that and he's yours." She looks at me.
"Do you really think so?"
"Noah's your person." All I need to say as she stands up again.
"Well thank you for this wonderful dinner and talk, but I have to go home now. Riley just messaged me, letting me know that she has to leave now. I better go. Bye." I wave as she leaves and I somehow feel closure. I don't like Noah like I thought I did anymore. He's just another guy to me. Sure, he means a lot to me, but it's only a friendship.

A/N: So I don't know if I've already said this but in season 6 (spoiler alert) Elliot is Richelle's boyfriend. And I can tell she is really happy with him as a character, but I don't want them to last. I'm obviously team Nochelle all the way! But I'm more team Ozzy than Elliot. Despite this, the fandom needs to realise Elliot is making Richelle happy and nothing can be done about that.
Rant over😂
Thank you so much for all the support as usual and I'll see you in my next chapter x

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