7-That's exactly what I need

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Richelle's POV:

When I get up, Noah is still crashed out so I go and fix myself breakfast. I heard him whimpering in his sleep, but I didn't think anything to it. Until he started kissing me as soon as I walked in the room. As much as I wanted to keep being with him, we had to get ready. I left him to get in the shower as I brushed my air-dried hair. I shoved it into a ponytail, not really bothered how it looked. Noah came back and began playing with my hair which was the best thing ever. Then we headed out.

Even though Lola and I are best friends, Noah holds a special place in my heart that I can't describe. It's like he's always been there without having to always be there. No one else has ever made me feel that way. Not even my parents.
"Hey! Richelle,so I was thinking that we should have an A Troupe sleepover like Emily did the first year they won regionals. It would be like an ice breaker for us all, after the merge and everything. Sound good?" Piper's enthusiasm is enough to persuade me to do anything. I keep up my whole persona, but ultimately agree to do it. It will make Emily happy. And if it also happens to help me bond with everyone, I guess it's not such a bad thing.
"Great. I'll get Noah to help us with the arrangements and everything." If this had been someone else, I most likely would've snarled and told them I'd do it myself, but as its Piper, I let her have it. After the whole Josh thing and Noah pretending, I don't really care about her going near Noah. That's over now.

"So babe. Didn't know you were into the whole sleepover thing." I shove Noah off me.
"Noah. You know we can't do this now. I'm not ready for people to know that I'm not completely made of stone." I joke. He gets the message though because he heads back to the boys, no questions asked.

"Richelle!" Emily calls. I run into the office as she sits down. I wait for permission to be seated.
"Okay, so how are you?" I don't like where this is going.
"I'm fine thank you, how's being the studio head?"
"It's a little stressful, but overall great. I have a helping hand every now and then, but mostly I'm doing it all by myself." I don't know where this is going.
"Are you happy?" I ask, but she shoots me right down.
"I am. Are you?" I know that I told Noah I'm not ready so I go back to my leadership type ways.
"Yes. Dancing is my life." Her eyes turn dark.
"Really? Not any boys or any problems? Not anything you could come to me about?" Here we go.

I leave the room, with my head bowed. Emily is crushing me inside. I don't have the energy to tumble today so I take a quick break. I grab some water and read the text message I got from Elliot.
Sorry. I think it's for the best. Tell Noah that too. He can be with you all he likes, but stay away from me.
A text that started off so sweetly and innocent has now got me escaping my demons like I'm some kind of cartoon character on a mobile device. I can't resist knowing exactly what happened at Elliot's house.

"Noah? I need a word." I say once it's lunch break. He almost takes my hand, but steadily remembers and places it back down.
"What happened at Elliot's?" He looks like a bear just hit his face and ran away. Wind swept.
"Nothing. We just talked." I flash the phone in his face.
"Really? Because this message tells me otherwise?" I need him to be honest.
"So maybe I punched him once or twice, but it's not like he didn't deserve it." He throws his arms up.
"You think I can't handle my own battles. You think you need to beat him up. You think you are better than him." He violently shakes his head.
"You caught me at a vulnerable time in my life, when I would've done anything for company. You used that to your advantage and kissed me. You don't even recognise that it's wrong. And until you figure it out, I can't be with you." I hear both our hearts break before he storms away. At that moment, I let a tear fall.

Lola invites me over for dinner. I agree to go, but only to take my mind off things. She suggests watching a movie before giving me a hug. Right now, that's exactly what I need.
"Fight with Elliot?" She asks. I've yet to tell her that he cheated. I'm too ashamed. Am I really that replaceable?
"We broke up. Yesterday." She doesn't push, just takes my hand. I have to trust her.
"Then Noah came over. He was the perfect knight. He saved me from myself and kept me company for the night. But I found out that before that happened, he beat Elliot up. Now I don't know what to do." She grins.
"I knew Noah was right for you." I glare at her.
"I haven't finished. Noah and me, we kissed. Multiple times. It was magical, sparks flying, everything. And then, I ruined it all." Once again, she doesn't say a word.

You're My Person (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin