3-Understatement of the Emily

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Noah' s POV:

When I arrive at the studio, I expect to see Richelle warming up or working on some breath-taking trick. Instead,I see a wide space. I try not to worry about her. After all, she hasn't seemed to care about me since I started dating. I still don't know where I went wrong. I tried everything, but as I told Lola, she didn't hang out with anyone. Well, until Lola. I guess she used to stay with me, but then I got busy. She can't deny that she began to focus on dance rather than friendship. To her, that was a distraction. To me, it was painful to watch her walk away metaphorically. Either way, I think when we moved up from J Troupe, she lost her friends. I wish she knew that she would've never lost me if we made the team together. I know that's why she stopped being around.

Piper is with Amy when she arrives. I look at them and wave, but mainly just warm up. We have to be professional whilst we're in the studio. Although, I did overhear her conversation.
"I had dinner with James,Riley and Emily last night. My parents were there, but we sat at separate tables." She goes on and on.
"They wouldn't stop teasing me. It was brutal." She laughs. Amy laughs with her as the others arrive. Still no Richelle. Lola is the last one through the door, taking herself to Emily's office. It's my job as dance captain to know what's going on so naturally, I go and stand at the door.
"Yes. She said she'll be back by this afternoon." Who? Richelle? I leave and lead the warm up. Everyone has so much energy and I have no idea why.

We carry on our rehearsal and I think I'm nailing it. I don't think about Richelle or Piper. I only think about what's going to make me a better dancer. Because someone here has to be controlling and determined and I don't mind filling that place temporarily. I manage to do more turns than necessary in the time limit, a clean layout, which is harder than it looks and a lift with Amy. That lift is choreographed for Richelle, but Amy fills the slot whilst she's out. I still don't know why she's out.

Once we're on break, I make it my duty to find out what's going on.
"Okay. Yes. Thank you so much. See you soon." Emily's face changes as soon as she comes off the phone. She's panicking. I can tell.
"Emily?" She paces a little before telling me to sit.
"I'm going to be honest with you, Noah. I'm a little worried." Understatement of the Emily everybody! I nod along because I don't think I should talk.
"Richelle has been to see a doctor this morning and they have personally rang me to let me know that she is unable to dance for the for an undetermined amount of time. They say this could be two days, two weeks or even two months. We just have to wait." I don't know how to react. I'm frozen in shock. She told me she was absolutely fine. Clearly, she was not!
"Will Richelle still be at TNS during that time?" She sighs again.
"It depends. I don't want her coming here if she can't resist dancing. I'm not having her injured for regionals." I understand, but I really do want her to be here. I stay sat down and contemplate our options.
"Maybe she could work downstairs? I'm sure someone would hire her." Emily's eyes light up, before changing again.
"No. They barely hired Heather when they knew she was a dancer. They won't if Richelle's actually on this team." We were so close.
"What about helping out in J Troupe?" I ask because I want that position if she can't do it.
"No. She will end up dancing. You can fill in for her while she's out." I smile at my accomplishment. Then I get a really good idea.
"What about if she works as an assistant like Chloe did for Miss Kate? That way she'd be here, but wouldn't be able to dance because of all the paperwork." Emily beams at me.
"Noah, you're a genius!" She says then dials her number.

I get out of the office just in time to see Lola land a perfect round off. It's really cool because I've never seen her do that before. She smiles at everyone as she lands. I walk next to Piper and put my arm around her waist. I tell her how incredible she is and she fiercely blushes. I see Josh looking at us, but it's too bad because I have Piper now. That's all I need to get me through.

Emily comes and announces that we're going to do trios to determine who will be going to the qualifier. Despite our virtual application, we're still going to compete there to measure up the talent. Emily says if there's any chance of us going, we have to have chemistry. So I partner up with Piper and Amy. No one can deny that we have chemistry. That's what I would say about Richelle if she was here too, but she isn't. And I don't think she'll be competing for a long time coming. I wonder how she'll hold up.

A/N: Okay so I won't lie, I've had to do quite a bit of heavy editing on this chapter because of future chapters. That's why it's been a while since I updated. Hopefully, you liked it?

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