21-All this Richelle drama

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Noah's POV:

What did I just do? Kissing Piper is the worst thing I possibly could've done. I'm fragile and sensitive and I took advantage of that to get a girl-who is not Richelle-to kiss me. How dumb am I? Swirling thoughts cross my brain and I punch the wall in frustration.
"Ugh!" I shout as my hand disconnects from it. It made me feel slightly better. I have no idea what to do.

"We're home." My Dad's voice calls. I don't reply, but I get up to greet them. I give both my parents a hug and a fake smile before taking their coats and bags and placing them in the correct area.
"Well aren't you just a darling? I hope you do this for your girlfriend as well, you know. We hardly see you anymore." I've been going over to Richelle's so much that I can't avoid telling them. I feel guilty, though, about not seeing them much lately.
"Sorry... I just--we broke up." I hear my father release a breath.
"I'm sorry to hear that, son. When did that happen?" My Dad asks.
"A couple of days ago. I got into a fight with Miss Emily and left TNS. I'm planning on going back though, before you even start. Anyway, I went over to Richelle's house and we got into an argument and she kind of broke up with me because of it." Being honest to my parents feels better than what I've been doing lately.
"Well honey, if you need anyone to talk to, we're here now." I look up and I know my Mum is going to hate what I say, but I have to say it.
"I know. Can I possibly talk to Dad about this though?" She lets her face collapse, but keeps her calm.
"Oh I suppose so. I'll just be making dinner in the kitchen. Are you staying for dinner?" I nod as we make our way into my Dad's home office, which feels more like a cosy nook to me.

"Talk, my boy. Talk." He jokes. I laugh, but I don't feel it in my heart.
"Dad, I left something out back there. I need you to be honest with me though. I need advice." I make this very clear as I stall.
"Just tell me." Dad says.
"I kissed another girl. Richelle and I broke up and Piper just came over. She's actually the one who's convinced me to go back to TNS. I got so caught up in what she's doing for me that I kissed her on her way out." My Dad's generally learnt to accept that I dance, but I do hear a little grunt.
"Okay, well son, I think you need to be honest now. Tell Piper that you're sorry and that you're grateful for what she has done, but tell her you're preoccupied with all this Richelle drama. Tell Richelle that you're sorry and that you take back what you said. Tell her you want to be with her." I find the courage to continue the conversation.
"I don't regret what I said though. Not at all." He laughs as if I'm too young to know anything, but I carry on.
"The fight was about her ex. He's currently supposed to be mentoring me but he's selfish and manipulative and I refuse to be like him. I don't regret that decision at all. And before you ask, she hates him just as much as me so I'm not really sure what to do. I'm not apologizing about that though."
"Damn straight." The only words that come out his mouth. That leaves me with no other choice than to talk to Emily. I'll deal with everything else later.

A/N: I can't believe we're into the final ten! Thank you guys all so much for your support through your replacing richelle and You're My Person. I can't believe I've had 6k combined reads.

Thank you guys so much!!! See you in my next chapter x

You're My Person (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora