Author's Update

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A/N: So I never do author's updates because I don't really like them, however I do need to clear up a couple of things.

So in one of my earlier Chapters, I mentioned that I'm working on an original book-and whilst that is still happening, it's been on hiatus for a while. This is because I've been working on a couple of other projects-and because I lost the notebook I'm writing it in.

So yes. I am still writing a book, but no it definitely won't be out in October like I wanted.
However, there will be something being released in late October/ early November And potentially the book will be released at some point next summer.
Some of you guys have asked for a sequel...and I'm very excited to announce that You're My Person has a sequel!!!

The title reveal...are you guys ready for it?...

Your Embrace

I'm so excited and I just wanted to thank you guys for all your support and this seemed like the best way. So thank you.

Coming November.

A/N: I'm so so sorry guys but with my exams coming up and everything else going on, I've been so busy revising and there's been a lot of changes in my life. Of course I want the sequel to be ready by the end of October, however I'm thinking it's going to be late November at the earliest. I'm really sorry to mess things about but I need this time to write and edit and I hope you understand.

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