2-That would never change.

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Piper's POV:

Amy says goodbye to us and we're left alone. After the whole Josh situation, I know not to say anything this time.
"Can you believe it,Piper? Giselle wants to mentor me! I can barely believe I'm the captain." I grimace a little. He took that off me. Add that to the cons list.
"I know! That's great Noah." I say, deflated. I can't be the better person. I'm still heartbroken. I lost everything that day.
"What's got you down?" I bite my lip. I could lie, but he'd see right through me.
"Josh." I simply state, which is partially the truth. He rubs my shoulder, sympathetically. Then he whispers in my ear. I look at him and smile. He takes my hand and I can't help but feel a little dizzy. I never expected this to happen. Amy walks back in, gasping at this new intimacy between Noah and I. I text her to let her know I'll explain later.

We walk out and just as he'd said, Josh was outside. I left, laughing with Noah. Josh could wait. We got in the car and went to my house. I thanked them for the lift and walked in to find James. I hugged him, ecstatic. He wasn't supposed to be home until next week. He had Riley with him and I hugged her as well. They just finished touring, but they still have a few places to go. Riley is going with them as an assistant. James got her on the trip because of how much she wanted to travel. I've always wanted what they have. Maybe one day I'll get that with Josh or even Noah. Who knows?

Since James came home, my parents arranged to go to dinner with Riley and Emily. Their parents are currently at a business meeting together so therefore they can't come. Either way, it gives me time to become one of Emily's favourites. I already know she has a soft spot for me, but this helps a lot.

Once I'm ready, I text Amy and let her know what's going on. She says she's happy for me, but I can feel the bitterness in her text. She's been like that since she became close friends with Richelle. It's almost as if she's taking tips from her. I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, as long as they include me, I'm fine.
"Come on, Pipes. Emily's waiting for you." Riley shouts. I run at that, still messing with my hair and slipping on the most simple shoes I can find. We finally get out of the house and Riley looks as beautiful as ever. She's always got that confidence. I wish I had that.

Emily sits with me, Riley and James. Our parents sit together at the table opposite. Emily speaks in code to Riley and I almost work out who she's talking about. She continues until Riley and James decided to make out. When that happened, she began talking to me. I ask her every question I've ever had, it feels like. Eventually, she bluntly tells me what she knows.
"Richelle has previously had a crush on Noah. Then there was everyone else. Now you. Don't make the same mistake. It isn't worth it. And don't even pretend you don't." I sigh a little. Then I somehow carry on talking.

Our food arrives and its so delightful. I'm sure James enjoyed sharing his with Riley. Emily let us know how much she enjoyed it. I tried to do the same, but her words caught me up. I needed to take them on board. I couldn't do this. Even if I wanted to. I really couldn't do this.

We get home and I just head straight to bed. I can't deal with anymore questions or teasing. Too much of that happened when Emily let slip that she'd seen Noah and I together. Of course she had! I needed to sleep. That was tiring.

Riley came in and whispered some advice to me. I took that advice with everything I had. She knew what she was talking about. She'd been there before. I smiled as I fell asleep. Riley's words would always be most important to me. That would never change.

A/N: Shorter than the first, but important. Piper may not have another POV for a while so enjoy it while she's still here for now. She will be back, just later on.

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