9-I always hope you would

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Richelle's POV:

I can't believe this! Noah has been temporarily suspended from the team because of his actions towards Elliot. Now, not only will he be heartbroken because of TNS, but he will hate me. I know I caused this. And I'm not going to sit around and let it happen. Captaincy isn't as important as Noah is to me.

"Emily? Can I talk to you?" She gestures that I can step aside and I do.
"This isn't fair." That's how I begin. Then I carry on, shouting and screaming and pleading in my mind. I keep calm when she refuses, but this case isn't lost with me. Noah isn't allowed on the team because Elliot wants to destroy us. Well, Elliot is going back to America. Whether he likes it. Or not.

"Do you think I did something wrong?" I hear Noah asking to one of the B Troupers. It's too bad I can't see their face.
"No, not at all. I'd beat him up too if she was the love of my life." I don't recognise their voice much at first, but eventually I realise that it isn't a B Trouper at all. It's Max! And he just told Noah I'm the love of his life. My mind is turning right now.
"Well, I just think I've done something. I mean I will do anything to get back on the team, but that won't be enough. I need her too." I eavesdrop for a few seconds and run away when I hear my name. Max is coming to find me with juices and milk and so far, I have nothing.

I quickly order as he's coming down, he comes in and hugs me. I hug him back. Max was always there for me when I was in B Troupe and he's like a brother to me. Hearing he's back from University is the best news anyone could offer me right now. We make small talk, until it becomes a therapy session just like old times. He sips his milk. Then he speaks.
"I think Noah is your soulmate." They're the only words he says. So I provoke him until he gives me a proper answer. Then, we turn the conversation on him.
"Anyway, how's your girlfriend?" I smile. Max has always been such an introvert so hearing he's got a girlfriend is amazing news.
"She's good. She's studying hard. She's the perfect match for me." I still remember when we all thought Max's girlfriend was his milk.
"That's so sweet. Hopefully, I'll have that one day." I say dreamily.
"You do already. With Noah." I feel like I've just been electrocuted as he stands up to leave. All I can do is hug him.
"Hey? You still coming over to my place tonight for movies and pizza. Maybe some ice cream." He laughs and agrees, despite his joke of 'my body is a temple.' We can all have treat night once in a while.

I walk in to Studio A to find Noah practising a solo I never knew he had. He doesn't notice me so I just stand, admiring from afar. I make my presence known once he's done, clapping extra loudly. I'm sure he could use it right now.
"Um...hi." He speaks first.
"Look, Noah. I'm sure you hate me for everything I've done, but just know that I'm trying everything I can to get you back on the team. You're one of the strongest dancers and if Elliot thinks he can mess with that then he's wrong."
"I don't hate you. I could never hate you. But thank you. I know what I did was wrong, but I couldn't see you upset. I wanted to protect you more than you'll ever know."
"I'm doing this because the team needs you. We need you...I need you." I meekly say,unable to look him in the eyes. He's packed his things up now and turns to me.
"I love you." My heart shatters. It's everything I've ever wanted, but I can't have. Right now, I have to focus on dance. He's left now so I whisper his words to myself. It's then that I realise he heard me.
"I always hoped you would one day." He says and smiles. Then he leaves. I have no idea what we're going to do now.

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