13- And it does

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Noah's POV:

Richelle and I can't be official until I ask her out. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but I'm definitely going to pull this off.

I wish I could have something even bigger than a simple dinner, but for now it will have to do.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Henry asks. He's my best friend. I'm sure I can trust him.
"So there's a girl. And this girl deserves the literal world. And I have no idea how to give it to her. And I just want to show her that I care. And I need to give her something." I can't give Richelle flowers because she'll only forget to water them and she's already got enough fake ones to last her. I can't buy her chocolates because that's too basic and I'm too broke to afford actual world class ones.  Every idea I come up with is stupid or won't work.
"Dude. Chill. You're doing that thing where you start every sentence with and. Just take a breath. I'm sure something will come to you." And it does. I run off.

"Noah! My boy, what's up?" James says. I need his advice.
"Okay so basically Richelle deserves the world and I don't know how to give it to her. Help me?" He laughs at me but ultimately gives me the best idea. He tells me of his and Riley's first date and it inspires me. Maybe I don't know how to cook, but I do know someone who can. And I know the perfect place for our first date.

I'm hanging out with everyone when Lola motions me to come over.
"Everything is set. They said they can't wait for you to ask."She informs me of every detail I'll need to know and I am too excited. Richelle deserves the world. And I'll give it to her.

I head back over and let everyone know what's happening. Richelle is currently at an appointment of some sort, but that won't stop us from dancing together. It won't stop us from being us. It never has.

Dancing to the rhythm of the song is something I excel in, but with my brain being preoccupied I have to try really hard to stay on track.
"Noah. You're out of time. Clean up." I try my best, but Daniel's voice continues to put me down.
"Noah. In my office. Now." I head in, already knowing what this is about.
"Where is your focus, Noah? We've shortlisted you for a solo." Emily rants.
"We're giving you all these opportunities and right now, you can't even master a simple eight count. What's going on?" Stupidly, I tell her everything.
"No dating in the studio." Her voice echoes through me, but I fight back.
"Isn't that a little bit hypocritical of you? No offence, but this is where your own sister found her true love. This is where you found Eldon and then Hunter and then eventually West. Don't you want Richelle to find her true love? You know more than anyone that it's me?" She deflates before giving me her life story.
"Eldon and I were never meant to be. Honestly, I do miss Hunter sometimes, but that just ended in complete heartbreak so it's more reasonable that we don't cross paths again. And as for West, well he's great. He was great when I had my injury and I still have a little hope for that relationship." I shoot a reply at this moment.
"Well, I did happen to see you and him hugging for a prolonged period of time earlier. Is something going on?" She smiles, but then violently shakes her head. She doesn't have to worry, her secret is safe with me.
"So Miss Emily. May I call you Miss Emily? You, yourself, are in a relationship with a fellow studio choreographer person, however refuse to let your students date. Please, Miss Emily tell us how this equation adds up?" Emily is gone. She has lost this battle and she knows it.
"Get Richelle in here. I need to apologise to her. She told me all about you helping her and I told her to break it off. I guess I was just worried about her. Now that I know what a real guy you are, I've reconsidered. So I need Richelle?" I go get her as she has literally just returned from her appointment and we all hear her squeal very loudly. I guess she's just been told.
"Good." Daniel says, looking at my lines. However, I really don't think that's what he's on about. Daniel is as big as a shipper as West and James. Which says a lot.

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