Chapter 1~ A new era in life {Part 3}

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(Y/n)'s POV
We stopped at a cliff and stared at the tents set in front of us. "How did they manage to put up tents if the thing just crashed?" I asked everyone. They all ignored what I said and Pidge pulled out binoculars only for Lance to use them. "What the heck is that," he said, "and who the heck is she." I grew curious at who he was looking at and grabbed the binoculars then look through them. "Woah she is hot." (A/n: You're Bisexual in this for the sake of the story)  I said which resulted in me and Lance getting hit by a scolding Pidge. Pidge managed to hack into the camera system and when I looked at the screen of the laptop my eyes widened. "Shiro, is that really Shiro." I asked. We all got closer to the screen and listened to Shiro rambling about a thing called Voltron. With every word he said I felt this weird pain in my heart, but it wasn't painful, it felt depressing. "We've got to go in there." Pidge said looking back at us. "Maybe we can tunnel our way in?" Lance suggested. "Or maybe we can dress in hazmat suits and sneak in." Pidge said with excitement. "I know how 'bout we sneak into the kitchen and make a midnight snack." Hunk said with a worried tone. All of a sudden I felt my adrenaline start to blow up and I stood up from crouching and said, "And miss this cool adventure, No Way Hunk, just think about it, when is the next time you're gonna be able to save someone, NONE!" They all looked at me suprised but quickly shook it off. "You know what, we just need a distraction." Lance said. Right as he said it explosions went off and we all jumped. I slowly started to move towards the tents as Lance looked through the binoculars again. "Oh no not him," he said as he took his binoculars off, "He's always trying to one up me." I started to run and so did Lance, "Who is it?" Pidge asked. "KEITH!" Lance said. "Who's Keith?" Pidge asked. We all made it to the tent and we saw Keith holding up Shiro. "Nope nope no no no no no no I'm saving Shiro." Lance said while slinging Shiro ' s left arm around his shoulders. "Who are you?" Keith replied. "I'm Lance, we were in the same class?" Keith just blinked and said. "Really are you a Cargo pilot." "No I'm a fighter pilot thanks to you washing out." "Well congratulations." Keith said and we ran outside to see Pidge and Hunk board a space bike. "Mind if we join you?" Hunk asked as the rest jumped on. I helped put Shiro on and so did Keith and we gave him to Pidge, "WHY AM I HOLDING THIS GUY?" He exclaimed. Keith jumped on the driver seat and I was about to get on until I heard the jeeps start to head towards us. I looked at Keith and said, "Go on, I'll catch up with you." He looked at me wide eyed and so did Lance but Keith nodded and went off. I stared at them then stared at the guards coming out off one of the trucks and the other cars pass by me. I stood still as the guards ran towards me. I smirked as one of them threw a punch at me and I caught their fist, twisted their arm and Hit him where the sun doesn't shine. I flipped him over which possibly knocked him out and fought the other two. After I finished them off I went to the back of the truck and pulled of a tarp that was covering the school space bike then I got on the space bike and took off. 'Good thing I spent my detention fixing 5 of these things' I thought to myself. I sped off until I saw the others and sped up to be right next to them. "Hey boys~" I said. They all turned to me and Pidge, Hunk, and surprisingly Keith too looked relieved, but Lance's face had a mixture of relief and anger. I looked ahead and saw a cliff then made eye contact with Keith then nodded and so did he. "G-g-guys i-is that a cliff up ahead?" Hunk said. "Yup." Keith said and we both sped up. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US ALL!" Lance yelled. "Shut up and trust me!" Keith replied. We both flew off the cliff and listened to everyone scream then pulled on the brakes and landed safely.
(Time skip)
We stopped near a cabin and got off the space bikes. Keith carried Shiro in and Hunk, and Pidge went inside with them. I was about to go in but noticed Lance was still out so I went over to him. "Hey, Lancey, are you alri-" I was cut off by him punching my shoulder then hugging me tightly. "Do you know how worried I was (Y/N), you scared me to death when you stayed behind, I thought that they were going to hurt you!" He half yelled. My eyes widened and I hugged him back tightly. "L-lance I'm sorry I wasn't thinking, I just wanted you guys to get out safely." We both pulled away from the hug and noticed that we both shed a few tears, "I'm just glad that you're okay and not hur- WHY ARE YOUR KNUCKLES BLEEDING!" Lance said. I looked at my knuckles and saw that they were in fact bleeding. "Oh it's probably from the fight." I told him. He sighed and grabbed my hand and walked inside while saying, "Let's just go inside, besides you have bandages in your backpack remember." We walked in to see Keith get up from the couch. "I just want to say that the only two guest rooms are taken so you guys will have to sleep on the couch." Me and Lance nodded as Keith walked out. We both sat on the couch and I took off my backpack and Lance looked through it as I took off my cassette player and put it down. Lance found the bandages and grabbed my hand, "Hold still." He mumbled. He bandaged my knuckles and gave them a light kiss, "There just like how mom would fix us up." He said and smiled. I looked at him and laughed slightly, "She would also scold us for getting hurt." I said. We both laughed then yawned at the same time. "Well we better hit the hay, cmon." Lance said as he held out his arms. I giggled and crawled into his arms and we layed down. "Just like old times when we got to lay down on the beach eh (Y/n)?" Lance said. "Yeah, those were great times," I said while yawning, " Goodnight Lancey." "Goodnight (Y/N)" Lance said back. We both fell asleep not knowing that there was a slightly jealous Keith in the other room.

 We both fell asleep not knowing that there was a slightly jealous Keith in the other room

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(A/N: visual at what you and Lance slept like)

(A/N: Sorry that this one was sooooooo long)
1197 words

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