Greening The Cube [Part 2]

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(Y/n)'s POV
  The castle was heading towards the orange planet. "The signal came from Olkarion, home to the Olkari, a proud class of engineers," Coran said, "Builders of vast cities that could change at the whim of their creators."
  "They had a seemingly magical ability to manipulate solid metal," Allura continued, "With just the hands they could build a computer inside a block of steel." They both showed us pictures of the cities, Pidge was already in love. "An olkari once gave this to me." Coran said as he pulled out a floating black cube that had a glowing blue line.

  "Woah, what is that?" I asked with stars in my eyes as we all got closer to it. "Uh, Hello it's a floating cube," Coran said, "Oh and watch this, ahem, My name is Coran and I am a gorgeous man!" The cube then repeated his words in the exact same voice. Pidge's eyes sparkled and she fangirled over the cube.

  "Why would a society full of literal tech wizards use spores to send a distress signal?" Keith asked. "Who cares! When do we get to see that city?!" Pidge asked excitedly. "Actually Pidge, the distress signal isn't coming from the city, it's coming from... the forest." Allura informed.

  Pidge's mood did a 360° turn as pictures of the forest started popping up. We all got in our lions and started flying towards the forest, getting far away from the city. "Why doesn't anyone ever send distress signals from a cool place?" Pidge groaned. "Come on Pidge lighten up, maybe after we finish this up you and I can take a look at the city." I suggested.

  "It's not that, I just hate the outdoors, nothing but sunburn and poison oak." Pidge mumbled. I grimaced at her response. "I like it out here, it's quiet." Keith said with a smile. I smiled then gasped as I felt something hit teal. I looked out and saw arrows flying up. "What was that?" Hunk asked. "Are we being attacked?" Keith added.

  "I don't know, but something's pulling my lion down to the surface." Shiro said. "Yeah, something's pulling Blue down too." Lance responded. I felt teal descending to the ground. I had a gut feeling and slightly helped the arrows by lightly pressing down on my handles, letting the descend become easier.

  Soon all of our lions land on the ground in front of a group of aliens with weapons. "Are those wooden neck suits?" Hunk asked. "No way, we got taken down by a bunch of tree people?!" Lance exclaimed. I smiled and shook my head at Lance's reaction.

  "We come in peace." Shiro said through the speakers. Pidge then crawled out of her lion, "We got your distress signal." She held out the spore, showing it to them. "Praise Lubos!" An elder female alien cried out as the others joined her in relief.

  Afterwards an Olkari elder, Ryner, brought us to their homes up in the trees. "When the Galra attacked, only a few of us escaped the cities, we were forced to flee into the forests." She explained. "How long have you been living out here?" Shiro asked.

  "Many decapheebs, but as you can see, our people are resilient, we never stopped evolving, instead we adapted our skills to the environment." Ryner responded. I looked out and gasped in amazement. It was like a magical forest of houses in the trees. Ryner brought us to the ground and we caught sight of one of the Olkari bringing life to a large dragonfly made out of wood.

  It circled around us and flew away. "Coran was right. You really are the most incredible engineers in the universe! To be able to switch from working with precision machinery to a bunch of sticks!" Pidge cried out excitedly. "Nature's designs are superior to any that we could devise." Ryner said with a smile.

"No offense, but I'll take my computer over a tree any day." Pidge remarked. "You two can talk science later. Let's form Voltron and get rid of those Galra invaders." Shiro said, getting back in focus. "It's not that simple I'm afraid. The Galra have our leader, Lubos." Ryner murmured while the other Olkari sadly repeated his name. "If you attack, who knows what they will do to him."

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