Return to the Balmera

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(Y/n)'s POV
  The castle flew closer to the Balmera, it was like earth, except it was all dried up. 'The galra really messed up this planet' I thought. "So what's the plan, we go in there and go pow! pow! pow! And free the prisoners." Lance said.
  "What was that noise?" Keith asked. "Laser guns." Lance replied. "No lance, I think you mean, Bam Bam Bam, pshuk!" Hunk said. "That sounded like fireworks!" Lance said. "Technically they sound like bachoo, bachoo, bachoo." Pidge said.
"No guys you're doing it wrong, it's obviously Pew, Pew, Pew!" I said. Keith smiled and rolled his eyes. "Alright enough with the bad sound effects, besides they're more like Blam, Blam, Blam!" Shiro said.
I laughed as everyone disagrees with Shiro. "Paladins Focus!" Allura said ending our argument. "Besides we can't just shoot the galra, the Balmera is a living thing and from what we've seen, it's not that good in shape," Hunk said, "After seeing Shay and her people enslaved, I realized how bad Zarkon really is, and we're the only ones who can stop him." Hunk said. 'Wow...that's deep' I thought while looking down. "Okay so we can't shoot them, Plan B, We can lure the galra up to the surface and take them out there." Shiro said. "Oh I know, if we attack all the big mining stuff from the surface, the galra troops will have to come out to defend it, then we can beat them up, head into the tunnels, and Voltron saves the day!" Hunk said.
"But how will we know how many are left in the tunnels?" I asked him. "We can track the galra and balmera using bio-thermal life indicator point technology." Allura answered. I looked at Lance confused as he just shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh you mean BLIP tech," Pidge said, "... It's an acronym." "Well one of you will have to drop these sensors in the mines, then we'll be able to sense the Galra and Balmera." Coran said.
"I can do it, I just modified the green lion with the invisible maze's cloaking ability, I should be able to fly around unnoticed." Pidge volunteered. Coran opened a screen that showed a huge building with purple lights.
"That's their main generator, if you can  take that down it will severely weaken their defenses." Coran said. "We'll stay up here and give you tactical support, with the castle's defenses weakened from Sendak's Crystal, there's not much help we can bring." Allura added.
"I'll take out the power generator, Keith, Lance, Hunk, (Y/n), you take out the big mining rigs around the area." Shiro said. "Yeah, let's go kick some alien butt!" Hunk said enthusiastically. I laughed at him as we went to our lions.
"Do you think the Balmerans will host a small Parade after we save them?" Lance asked. "It's not about the glory Lance, it's about freeing prisoners from Zarkon." Keith groaned. "No I know, I know but still when the-!" We were shot out of our hangars to our respective locations.
"Alright this is it, get your heads in the game, remember the balmera is a living creature, make sure you pinpoint the galra infrastructure and avoid the surface." Shiro said. Lance and I shot the small pillars and Hunk rammed into them. Keith shot a heat beam at a pillar which completely melted.
  "Woah, did you see that, I got fire powers!" Keith said. I let out a chuckle as lance said, "No fair, I want a fire power too." 'They're such dorks' I thought. I panicked as a pillar started to fall down, but Hunk picked it up.
"Hey we can't let the Balmera get hurt!" Hunk yelled. Lance shot another pillar and froze it. "Hey these beams are cool just like me!" Lance yelled out. 'Oh god he's the biggest dork here' I thought as I kept in my laughs.
"Great job everyone." Shiro said as we all landed on the frozen pillar. We waited for the troops to come out, but they didn't. "Okay quick question, where are all of the troops, they're not coming out to the surface." I said. "Yeah, I remember seeing a lot of galra guys down there last time." Hunk added.
"We've located a galra fleet under the surface, someone has to take those out before they can launch." Allura answered.
"They're luring us underground, but we have no choice, Lance, Keith you guys hit the hangar, Hunk, (Y/n), head to the prisons to save Shay and the other Balmerans, pidge and I will track down the galra troops." Shiro said.
We all went our separate ways afterwards, Hunk and I used these motorcycle things to drive through the tunnels. "Do you know where they are Hunk?" I asked. "I can't remember, all these tunnels look the same, Allura can you tell us our location?" Hunk said.
"You're on the right path, turn right at the next tunnel, once you get there you'll have to disable the energy door, but be careful, it's heavily guarded." She answered. I mumbled a quick thanks as we picked up speed.
  Just like Allura said there were guards there waiting for us. They saw us and started shooting at us."Good to see you too." I said as Hunk and I shot back at them, defeating them all. "That was too easy, right?" Hunk asked me. "Yeah, it was." I responded. I grabbed a disconnected arm and put it up to the scanner.
  After a while we both found some Balmerans in a cell. Hunk rushed over, guess they were the ones he met. "Where's Shay?" Hunk asked. A balmeran who was in a corner glared at him, "Our life may have not been perfect, but our family was whole, your arrival put us in prison, as you started attacking they took her to the core, for all we know she could be good as gone."
I took a deep breath and spoke, "Okay I'm not gonna get full on mad, but don't just blame Hunk for all of this happening, at least he kept his promise and came back to save you, while all you've done is complain, and as for Shay we are going to save her," I gave the galra arm to another Balmera, "Use this to free the other prisoners."
  I grabbed Hunk's hand and we went back to our vehicles. "Hey, you didn't have to do that, but thanks, I really appreciate it." Hunk mumbled and smiled. I smiled and patted his back, "We're a team, and maybe even Family, I'll always have your guys' backs."
"Paladins, the galra seem to be heading towards the center." Allura said. "They're probably heading towards the core, that's where they're keeping Shay." Hunk said. We quickly took off towards the center.
  "They're leading us into an ambush, but we don't have a choice, we must save Shay, everyone head to the core, we'll need everyone to get through this fire fight." Shiro said. Hunk and I got there first. Hunk ran in with his bayard yelling and I followed behind.
There weren't any soldier, only a Balmera hanging with a muzzle. "Shay, you're alive!" Hunk said with relief. I shot at the cuffs and Hunk caught her. I helped take off her muzzle then I saw Shiro. "Where's the galra, if this is an ambush they would be waiting for us." He asked. Lance and Keith ran in then the doors slammed shut.
"It wasn't an ambush, it was a trap!" I said. "The galra, they gained information that you would come back." Shay said. "How?" Pidge asked. "I know not, they set this trap for you, I was their bait." Shay answered hanging her head low.
"It had to be that liar Rolo, he sold us out!" Hunk said. 'Oh, that's right I didn't tell them about Prorok.' I realized. "We need to find a way out of here." I said. "We have a giant castle above us, Allura do you think you can help us out?" Lance said. "How do you expect her to do that genius?" Keith asked.
"I don't know maybe they have teleporters or something!?" Lance said. "We're quite busy at the moment," Allura said in a panicked tone, "Paladins you need to get out of there as soon as you can!"
"That's it we're gonna die here, I can say bye bye to that Parade!" Lance cried out. Everyone glared at him then Shiro spoke, "N-now keep it together guys." "Perhaps my people can help us get out." Shay said. She walked over to the core which looked like an orange heart, and gently placed her hand on top. "This is how we communicate, the Balmera senses our vibrations and sends the message through the tunnels."  Shay said. "Are you sure that they'll be able to hear your... hand from all the way here." Keith asked.
"The Balmera will deliver the message." Shay said. The spot under her hand started to glow. "Paladins do you copy, there's a battle cruiser heading straight towards us, if it fires its ion canon I don't think we can survive!" Allura said and we all tensed up.
"We're trying Allura, Shay has her hand on the wall which is sending vibrations to other rock people who also send back vibrations... hand talking," Lance said, "I guess the answer to your question, yes we copy."
"Shay are you sure the Balmera is sending your message?" Shiro asked. As he said that we heard crumbling from the door. The door came down and the Balmera family we saved was there. "I think I'm done sitting around and complaining." The guy said. I smiled, he actually took it seriously. "We must make haste, we know a shortcut through the tunnels." He said.
We run out to our vehicles and drive off. We saw a few galra ships so we drove faster to our lions. "Did everyone get to our lions in time?" Shiro asked while taking off. "Who do you think we are shiro, a bunch of amat-AAA." Lance crashed into a pillar, I swerved out of the way so I didn't get hit.
"You really want me to answer that?" Shiro answered. We zoomed in shooting at every ship, but more came. "Paladins, I need you now, five more ticks and we're finished!" Allura said panicked. We saw the ion cannon being charged towards the castle.
They formed Voltron and flew up and changed the direction of the canon. Allura took the chance and fired a blaster, finishing off the ship and the fleet around it. We cheered in victory and landed on the Balmera, but something crashed in front of us.
My eyes widened as I saw the thing. It was the same thing that held the monster at Arus. 'Oh shit.'

(A/n): Holy shit, this was supposed to come out earlier but due to finals and spending time with family it took longer, well at least I got it out, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

1,869 words

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