Taking Flight {Part 1}

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No one's POV
Everyone stared at the unconscious twins in their healing pods. "I can't tell if they look healthy or not?" Hunk said. "I think Lance is breathing wrong." Pidge said. "Oh come on!" Keith said impatiently, and he tapped on (Y/n)'s pod. "No, give them a few ticks!" Allura exclaimed. "How much better do you think they're going to get in just a few ticks?" Keith asked sternly. "And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge asked.
"You know, a time slice." Allura said. "...You mean a second?" Shiro asked. "What's a second?" Coran asked. Pidge showed them a demonstration of a second. "I'm not sure, Coran do you happen to have a ticker on you?" Allura asked. Coran showed the paladins the ticker.
"I think ticks are bigger." Hunk said. They all forgot about the twins and put their attention to the time measurements. "I think we should start at the same time." Pidge said. They all watched the seconds and ticks. "I think we're winning!" Hunk said. Unknown to them, Lance got out of his pod and slowly walked over to them.
"Winning what, the intergalactic time measuring competition?" Keith said. "You guys having a clock party?" Lance asked. "Aw lance you ruined the moment.... HEY, Lance you're back!" Hunk exclaimed, crushing Lance in a hug. "What happened,?" Lance asked, his eyes scanned the room for (Y/n), "Where's (Y/n)?" "(Y/n) is still in her pod-" Allura said. Once she said that the pod opened and (Y/n) stumbled out. "Wow, what were the odds of that?" Pidge mumbled. Keith helped (Y/n) stand, seeming that her legs were still a little weak.
"What, where am I?" (Y/n) mumbled. "Relax, you were in the healing pod, you're safe (N/n)." Keith said softly. Everyone was slightly, no, genuinely surprised at Keith's act. "What happened?" (Y/n) asked.
"As I was saying, we can talk about that later, now you two should eat, can you guys walk properly?" Allura asked. "Talking, eating, are you asking me out on a date?" Lance asked. "Yup that's him." Pidge mumbled. "He's fine." Shiro continues. "Classic." Keith groans.

(Y/n)'s POV
"You'd be Sendak's prisoners if it weren't for Pidge." Allura said. "Well if Coran and Hunk hadn't gotten the Crystal, we wouldn't be able to be able to place you two in the healing pods. "Wow thanks guys," Lance said as he glanced at Keith, "Sounds like the mice did more than you though." "I punched Sendak!" Keith said clearly annoyed. "Yeah, after I emerged from a coma and shot his arm off!" Lance exclaimed. "We had a bonding moment, I cradled you in my arms!" Keith said. "Nope, don't remember, didn't happen!" Lance exclaimed. "Don't worry Keith, I think I remember somewhat of a bonding moment." I said with a wink. Keith blushed and Lance choked, "YOU WHAT!" (PFT I HEARD PLANKTON WHILE WRITING THAT DOWN, NOW IT WON'T STOP)
"ANYWAY, what happened to Sendak?" I asked changing the subject. "He's frozen in a cryo-pod downstairs, we can't let a man like that out into space alone," Allura said, "Besides we might get information about Zarkon through him." "Well what's the plan now?" Lance asked.
"We have to get back to the Balmera and save Shay and her family." Hunk said. "Wow, you're really hung up on this girl." Lance said. "No it's not that, look if you had seen what Zarkon has done to these people and destroyed their homes, you'd understand," Hunk said, "They've been under Zarkon's thumb so long, they don't even know what it means to be free, it's time to set things right, this is what being a paladin means, so it's time to man up!" I smiled at Hunk's meaningful speech.
"Then let's get moving, time to defend the universe." Shiro said. They started to walk out until pidge spoke up, "Wait,"  We stopped and stared at pidge, "I have something to say, I have to come clean and this may change the way you think of me, I can't man up because.... I'm a girl."
I smiled then looked at Lance who had this goofy expression on. "I mean I can man up, since it's a metaphor, just what I'm trying to say-" pidge was then interrupted by lance, "WHAT YOU'RE A GIRL, H-HOW!" Everyone admitted that they knew and pidge smiled. "Let's launch this castle ship!" Pidge said. "Pidge is a girl, and this castle is a ship, how long have we've been out!" Lance exclaimed. "Okay I didn't know about the ship thing." I said quietly. Keith smiled at my reply and I smiled back. They started walking so I grabbed Lance's hand then started to follow them, then I stopped. I let go of his arm and hugged him tightly. He didn't move for a second then hugged me back. "I was so scared, I thought you'd die," I said, "Thank you for saving me... big brother." He pulled away from the hug and kissed my forehead, "You're Welcome... little sister." I smiled and laughed a bit, "We should go with everyone to take off." I said. We started walking to the control room. "...Man you're starting to accept that I'm the older twin!" "Lance, don't push it."

Allura activated the control room which brought up six seats, once again color coded. I sat in my teal seat and a screen popped up in front of me. Allura and Coran made adjustments and then I felt the castle shake. The room was filled with light as the windows opened and showed the beautiful scenery of Arus.
Allura activated the main engine, which let the castle launch into the beautiful sky. Allura told us that it should be a peaceful ride from there. I got out of my seat and sat on the step in front of Lance and let my head rest on his legs.
"So when we get there, what do you think, Should we roll up in there and start blasting, or should we show up with a public statement like-" Hunk said, clearly stressing the situation.              
"Hunk calm down, and yes, blasting." Keith said. "It's it's first rescue mission, he's just excited." Shiro said. "Excited to see his new girlfriend!" Pidge teased. "She's not my girlfriend, she's just a rock I met and I admire very much." Hunk weakly defended. I laughed a bit as lance played with my hair. 'He clearly likes her' I thought.
  An alarm sounded and a red arrow appeared on the screen. "What is that?" I asked. "It seems to be a distress signal." Coran answered. "It's coming from a nearby moon, apparently the ship's lost power." Allura explained.
"Whoever it is they can wait, Shay is my first priority, we can check on them later when we're done." Hunk said. "The paladin code states that we must help everyone in need." Allura said. "This is so cool," Lance said while helping me get up, "It's like we're space cops on space patrol, Coran do we have a siren we could turn on?" "Um no, but we can record you making a siren noise and broadcast that to them." Coran said.
"Perfect, (y/n) join me!" Lance said. We both grinned and made annoying siren noises. "Nope, not doing that." Shiro said while covering our mouths. Then we landed on the moon, and we could see the damaged ship.

(A/n): Finally got it done!!! Part 2, I will attempt to work on it tomorrow, hopefully I'll start it tonight!

1270 words

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